It's Cheech & Bob time!!!!
I've had a LOT of pets in my adult life, I guess because I was deprived of them as a child.
You see, my father grew up on a farm in Ireland & for a farmer there at that time, if an animal wasn't useful & earned it keep, it would no longer exist. (wasn't worth the potato it was fed they would say)
Into the sack & over the rail of the bridge,

So no pets.
Anyway, I've had a few pets that stood out, and my all time favorite was a Quaker Parrot named Francis.
This it she (the bird) & also her, (my wife (I painted that high as fuck, does it show?

Francis would sit on her shoulder for hours, while she worked/cooked/cleaned & ate.
2nd place is
And 3rd & 4th are my chicken, Emelia & one of my 3 cats who is the nicest cat I ever met, Cheech.
Someday ( now? ) I'll write about how she (Cheece) got into my grow and ate some bud & went back upstairs to the kitchen and passed out on the floor. Like coma passed out (tongue was hanging out)
It came close to dying I think
I was going to take it to a vet, but I figured if it died and they did an autopsy I'd be fucked seeing as it being stuffed with weed, so no vet for her

Anyway, she survived (I don't think she's going to eat anymorre herb though
And 4th, Amy the chicken.
She likes coming into the house and playing with the menagerie