Happy thanksgiving :)


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to wish everyone a fat and happy Thanksgiving. Smoke, smoke and smoke more, get mad munchies and chow down bongsmilie

Turkey, stuffing and cheese sandwiches for days after. Great munchie food. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone has a great turkey day & take time to think of the people around the world less fortunate. Give to someone if you can...even if it's only love.


Well-Known Member
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all who care for it. If you don't, shut the feck up and go live your fecking miserable life with the rest of the arse holes of the world.:joint:;-)


Well-Known Member
Its thanksgiving day in usa? Hahaha holiday first christmas... Thats damn nice. Happy thanksgiving day to everyone! :)


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

I love that FG!! Nice one :hump:

I injected cajun seasoning into my bird last night and I am cooking her in peanut oil in my deep fryer. I also have a Spiral Ham to go along with it. bongsmilie

How is everyone preparing theirs?