Richie LxP
Well-Known Member
Keep it green chaps 

Neither did I, and I'm Northern Irishtoday's St. Patties day??
didn't realize that..
Forgot to wear green on St. Pattys Day? Dont be surprised if you get pinched. No surprise, its an entirely American tradition that probably started in the early 1700s. St. Patricks revelers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didnt wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.
congrats and nicely done!4 years ago today, I was at the waterin hole drinkin 2 dollar pitchers with my good friends & shootin pool, cause I like to perpetuate stereotypes. The place was packed, and it was tough to get the bartenders attention. I must've standing in line for 15 minutes, when this girl from out of nowhere, skips the line & goes right upto the bartender and orders 4 shots of yeager. I asked that girl to get my order as well, and now she's my fiance. Easiest anniversary EVER! Happy St. Paddys Day everybody.
somebodys jaw getting broke if I randomly get pinched walking down the street today
found my pot of ... something.
dude if he does have an insertion point it better be coffee can diameter for me!The blow up lepper has no insertion point, are you disapointed?