happy frog potting soil


Well-Known Member
I have been using FFOF but when i went shopping they were sold out. However they had happy frog in stock. This is the first i have seen of the potting soil. Would the HF be as comparable to the FFOF? Cost wise it was $4 cheaper. I bought it, but having second thoughts with transplanting coming soon.

Any one ever use it before? Thanks for your time
I much prefer Happy Frog to Ocean Forest!!! The pH is set at a much more preferable level for cannabis (6.7) as opposed to ocean forest (7.1) set more for vegetables. I absolutely love happy frog, it has a lighter nute blend, letting you control your nutrient schedule much more. I buy Happy Frog over Ocean Forest every single time...due to its scientific compatibility with the cannabis plant. You will likely be even more pleased!!!
Soilless? Says potting soil on the bag...i dunno...forgive my ignorance lol

Here are some results, from Happy Frog, fed with a 2-3-1 Seaweed/Fish Emulsion twice during flowering...As you can see, the plants weren't deficient in any manner...Not a response to your comment about soilless, just wanted to contact you in a reply about Happy Frog. You will be very pleased, I promise you. Just feed sufficiently, which isn't much in my opinion. Just a couple of times, with a well balanced organic nutrient!!

IMG_0432.jpgWow.jpgJuicy Fruit Gook1.jpgIMG_0086.jpg
Here are some results, from Happy Frog, fed with a 2-3-1 Seaweed/Fish Emulsion twice during flowering...As you can see, the plants weren't deficient in any manner...Not a response to your comment about soilless, just wanted to contact you in a reply about Happy Frog. You will be very pleased, I promise you. Just feed sufficiently, which isn't much in my opinion. Just a couple of times, with a well balanced organic nutrient!!

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Wheres the scratch n sniff pics? Lol....good lookin stuff...what strains are those?
Not here for Pissing Contests but here is a list of Ingredients for Happy Frog

Ingredients: Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, earthworm castings, bat guano, humic acid (derived from Leonardite), oyster shell and dolomite lime (for pH adjustment)

Notice there is no Mineral added such as sand , hence I said soiless .. FFOF has much mineral added , mainly sand .. Hence making it soil !

How many other soiless mixtures are there labeled as soil ? More than I care to count ...

[h=3]soil - definition of soil by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and ...
The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter. 2. A particular kind of earth or ground: sandy soil. 3.


umm you fucking stoners are putting way too much thought into fucking soil./....HAPPY FROG IS FINE!!! it will grow plants has before and will continue to....make sure your feeding correctly.. FOR FUCK SAKES THIS SHIT IS NOT HIS FUCKING COMPLICATED
I caught what he said about it being soilless. I thought about it for a minute and could not actually remember any "dirt" in it at all, just spagnum moss, worm castings, and other organic matter. Some silica (sand) would be a very good amendment since pot typically grows in really crappy soils.