Happy Canada Day!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians here at Rollitup. :weed:
Here are some interesting facts about Canada you may not know:

  • Canada is the second largest country in the world, with 9,971,000 square kilometres of land.
  • The baseball glove was invented in Canada in 1883.
  • With only three people per square kilometer, Canada has the fourth lowest population density in the world.
  • Vancouver Canada is tied with Zurich Switzerland for the highest quality of life of any city in the world.
  • The world's smallest jail is believed to be in Rodney, Ontario, Canada. It is only 24.3 square meters (about 270 square feet).
  • Canada has the ninth biggest economy of the world
  • According to the United Nations Human Development Index, Canada has the highest quality of life in the world.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, Canada does not own the North Pole. In fact, the North Pole is not owned by any country. It is believed, however, that Santa Claus is from Canada.
  • Canada is the world's eighth biggest trader.
  • Of all of the world's producers of natural gas, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum, and gold, Canada is in the top five.
  • Canada is the home of many great inventions, including: basketball, the electric light bulb, the electric range, the electron microscope, standard time, the television, the telephone, and the zipper.
  • Canada is the fifth largest energy producer.
  • Canada has the world's highest tertiary education enrolment.
Some weird laws we have:

  • 30% of a radio station’s content must be "Canadian Content"
  • You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.
  • Citizens may not publicly remove bandages.
  • It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine.
Hope you all have a great day. I am starting mine off with a Wake n Bake. :weed:
i heart canada

seriously, i'm not even canadian, but it's an ace place to be and from my experience it's full of ace people too.

wake and bake!
I am proud to be Canadian, anyone read Macleans? I read an article in there that basically said Canada is the greatest country in the world to live in, it was pretty awesome. I'll start this day off right with a wake and bake also! :-P
Happy canada day my ass. Both my wife and I had to work today. Brotha can't even enjoy his holiday. PFFT!
Basketball wasn't invented in Canada...it was invented by a Canadian. Hence the reason why you guys BLOW at it.
well there's no need to be rude. does anyone know why so many people have a problem with canada? it's not like they've done anything to deserve it...like ever actually. booooo to the haters!
Ya no haters here. Sorry you have to work today, but you don't have to hate on Canada. :-P

Basketball wasn't invented in Canada...it was invented by a Canadian. Hence the reason why you guys BLOW at it.

well there's no need to be rude. does anyone know why so many people have a problem with canada? it's not like they've done anything to deserve it...like ever actually. booooo to the haters!
Canada friggin rocks,,I live here,,,I wanna hook up with you Chiceh,,one day,,we gotta puff a hoolie one time,,maybe if I can get fdd's ass here,,we could all puff one together,,,,Happy Canada Day Chiceh,,,and any other Canadians here,,and everyone else for that matter
:peace::joint:Hey I love Canada, but you forgot to mention a really cool thing that's Canadian, that would be Trailer Park Boys!!!

Please tell me you watch em, they kill me and the Wifey... LOL
hey happy canada day all of you im from canada too =p and yeah it is one of the best countries in the world to live. im glad i live in canada nice thread chiceh but canada day is on 1st july you ve started this thread two hours earlier than you should ve ... lol but its not your fault it must be that wake n bake thing lol
Happy Canada Day tomorrow.

Dude this thread is a year old, lol. :D

hey happy canada day all of you im from canada too =p and yeah it is one of the best countries in the world to live. im glad i live in canada nice thread chiceh but canada day is on 1st july you ve started this thread two hours earlier than you should ve ... lol but its not your fault it must be that wake n bake thing lol
well there's no need to be rude. does anyone know why so many people have a problem with canada? it's not like they've done anything to deserve it...like ever actually. booooo to the haters!

I was living for the last year in Canada, touring through the country as WWOOFER (a voluntary worker on organic farms). It was very nice, except the mosquitos in late August, beginning of September. They mentally broke me, making my time over there very unenjoyable. And winter. The sky may be super-blue and all and you might have flawless sunshine for about 300 days a year, but the cold is literally killing you sometimes. I was staying most of my time in MB though.
I was living for the last year in Canada, touring through the country as WWOOFER (a voluntary worker on organic farms). It was very nice, except the mosquitos in late August, beginning of September. They mentally broke me, making my time over there very unenjoyable. And winter. The sky may be super-blue and all and you might have flawless sunshine for about 300 days a year, but the cold is literally killing you sometimes. I was staying most of my time in MB though.

Haha thats because MB has two seasons, -40 and mosquitoes. Happy canada day everyone!
Hey, Chiceh. I got your PM, but I don't have the ability to PM back, so I can't reply to what you said to me.
Nothing like digging up a really old thread eh? LOL :D

Why can't he pm me back? That is weird.