Happy Birthday Neo!!

Thanks for the birthday love everybody! More of you wished me happy birthday here than did people in real life on Facebook lol. Worked all day then went and had BBQ at Texas Roadhouse with the wife and kiddo. Pretty normal day lol. I'm 35 now, so write me in in 2020!
Yes, @tangerinegreen555 as Neo's campaign manager how is his mod campaign coming along? Election is a mere (how long now), away!
think of the possibilities: 1) a built-in timer ala Cinderella; based on the wilting of the leaf 2) moisturizing of the delicate breast skin
3) dancing at a hippy-vegan festival it should be marketed, it's a money maker
LOL except for that pesky leather holding it on. Maybe make it out of braided hemp and there ya go! You should develop and sell it. You'll be rich.