Happy Birthday cannabineer & tyler.durden

we'll get in the time machine and have Sasha whip up a lil' somethin' somethin'

Happy birthday to you two , sorry I'm late to the party did anyone save me any cake
Trust me on this you do NOT want any left over CN b'day cake, stinky stinky

Lol I forgot about this thread too

Each year it is that tiny increment to bounce out of bed and yodel "still alive bitches!"

But I have me a birthday bottle of really good beer ...

Now THAT should take the edge off teaching chemistry, enjoy!
we'll get in the time machine and have Sasha whip up a lil' somethin' somethin'

Definition of legit-ness:
  1. 1a : lawfully begotten; specifically : born in wedlockb : having full filial rights and obligations by birth a legitimate child

  2. 2: being exactly as purposed : neither spurious nor false a legitimate grievance alegitimate practitioner

  3. 3 : a small lab like time machine that requires two fire extinguishers
  4. 4: conforming to recognized principles or accepted rules and standards a legitimateadvertising expenditure a legitimate inference

  5. 5: relating to plays acted by professional actors but not including revues, burlesque, or some forms of musical comedy the legitimate theater
So I wake up saunter in and get ready to post a thread to these two and what do I see? Some asshole beat me to it! I look again and realize the asshole was me and you bumped me ha ha ha!!
Love you BB, thank you!

Now Happy Birthday you two old assholes, get your asses out there and get to celebrating, report back with details!

Thanks, Annie! Just woke up, taking it easy until tonight's festivities. Back later with unwholesome details...
Ok I'm beginning to worry the 'festivities' did you in ;D where's the post game commentary?

Thanks for checking in. It was a GREAT day - puttered around the house smoking blueberry, then met my fav sex worker, Sunny, at a nice hotel near the AP. She was in this awesome white tiny teddy that looked great against her brown skin. She had a little coke for me, just a few lines but the shit was FLAME. I was wired for a bit after, so we smoked a couple cigs and kissed a little before heading into the shower. She washed me up real nice, and toweled me off before a sweet bday bj, which took a little longer 'cause I was still speeding a bit. I broke out some weed and we talked before a great, long, lazy session. We then re-showered and went to McCormick and Schmick's for steaks. I only had a couple of drinks, because I was meeting friends downtown later. Dropped off Sunny, parked my car at home and called for an Uber. Met my friends at the W hotel bar and got plastered there before going to a few more (the number of bars varies by who you ask). Ended up at an all night burrito place at about 4am, not sure what I ate. All I know is that my dick, nose and stomach are all sore this morning ;)
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Thanks for checking in. It was a GREAT day - puttered around the house smoking blueberry, then met my fav sex worker, Sunny, at a nice hotel near the AP. She was in this awesome white tiny teddy that looked great against her brown skin. She had a little coke for me, just a few lines but the shit was FLAME. I was wired for a bit after, so we smoked a couple cigs and kissed a little before heading into the shower. She washed me up real nice, and toweled me off before a sweet bday bj, which took a little longer 'cause I was still speeding a bit. I broke out some weed and we talked before a great, long, lazy session. We then re-showered and went to McCormick and Schmick's for steaks. I only had a couple of drinks, because I was meeting friends downtown later. Dropped off Sunny, parked my car at home and called for an Uber. Met my friends at the W hotel bar and got plastered there before going to a few more (the number of bars varies by who you ask). Ended up at an all night burrito place at about 4am, not sure what I ate. All I know is that my dick, nose and stomach are all sore this morning ;)
Thanks for checking in. It was a GREAT day - puttered around the house smoking blueberry, then met my fav sex worker, Sunny, at a nice hotel near the AP. She was in this awesome white tiny teddy that looked great against her brown skin. She had a little coke for me, just a few lines but the shit was FLAME. I was wired for a bit after, so we smoked a couple cigs and kissed a little before heading into the shower. She washed me up real nice, and toweled me off before a sweet bday bj, which took a little longer 'cause I was still speeding a bit. I broke out some weed and we talked before a great, long, lazy session. We then re-showered and went to McCormick and Schmick's for steaks. I only had a couple of drinks, because I was meeting friends downtown later. Dropped off Sunny, parked my car at home and called for an Uber. Met my friends at the W hotel bar and got plastered there before going to a few more (the number of bars varies by who you ask). Ended up at an all night burrito place at about 4am, not sure what I ate. All I know is that my dick, nose and stomach are all sore this morning ;)

ahh, youth

I cooked me a prime ribeye and had it with that bomber. An d a glass of a 2011 Languedoc that showed up at the Outlet for cheap. It's ok but not a must-buy-more.

I also celebrated Wagner's birthday ... by playing some Ravel. I'm none too fond of Wagner.