Happy Birthday Bareback

May I suggest cootie catchers for Sunday school? They are a hit everytime.
PS there was this one time I ended up having to admit it was I who taught my kids how to make them. That's why having the grandparent teach them gives them plausible deniability.

Could you find me a link to make a coochie catcher? That would be a lot more valuable to me.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and whoever mailed me the 8 ball … I never heard of the secret Easter bunny but I’m rolling with it. Is it normal that I can’t feel my left eye.
Ohh also I got a new tattoo.. a wedding ring … and had a great time at a Italian restaurant with family ( the spaghetti sucked balls but the waitress rubbing those tits on my head every time she put food on the table was awesome) (I think my son or wife paid extra for that treatment… damn someone loves me ) ohh the cheese cake and wine was good too.

Seriously I love all y’all my RIU family ( at least until this buzz wears off).