Happy 235th Birthday Marine Corp!!!!!!!!


Active Member
The United States Marine Corp has been on the front lines defending this nation for 235 years. I was fortunate enough to serve for 15 years. I am honored to be able to call my self a Marine. SEMPER FI. Always faithful..


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. we Canadians are kinda friendly & passive.. until we're needed, then we can get pretty pissy with the bad guys :)

I did my military 2 years back in '96 Didn't see any action or anything though. Got to run around in a building filled with tear gas.. that was fun :) Shooting the c-7 (M-16) & the c-9 (M-60) was pretty kewl too. Tracer fire at night looks like something out of Star wars.

Thanks again to the real hero's though..


Well-Known Member
Was unaware of this birthday and watched full metal jacket last night great show
'There is nothing i hate worse then an unlocked footlocker' :)