Hang-dried Buds Jarred at 62 % RH, No Burping?


Well-Known Member
I hung my buds to dry for 6 days. I jarred then and tossed a hygrometer in there which has remained at 62% rh. I know this is what most people aim for when curing, so do I just leave the jars sealed or do they still need to be burped as part of the curing process, even though they started at 62% already without any burping?


Well-Known Member
They will need burping because the jars will pull moisture from the inside->out. Thus increasing RH. So, yeah burp unless you have some boveda packs


Well-Known Member
I aim for not burping but you gotta check them... I don't use any fancy tools though. I hang until I think they are dry enough then into jars... Open after 24 hrs.if they feel right I close them for a week, if they feel right after a week I let them go another week then if still ok I just visually inspect them each after that. Of they are at all wet feeling I dump them out... It is a skill that takes learning I wouldn't trust anything buy my hands to test moisture in buds....they gotta feel right and burn right