Hang and dry or trim and dry?


Have done it both ways. Just curious as to how others do it. Do you trim the plant while its standing, cut the stock and hang it or do you trim the plant and cut all the buds off to dry without the stock?

I've done it both ways and have found it's much easier to hang the entire plant but I just don't have the space right now.


Well-Known Member
If I had the room I'd trim the whole plant in 2 phases, once for fan leaf (compost) and another for sugar leaf (extracts), then hang dry the whole naked plant. But space is limited, so I trim the whole plant for fan leaf first, then cut and trim sugar leaf one appropriate length branch at a time (I LST heavily) and then hang to dry.

The rest is as you can expect: chop off buds when dry, cure buds in jars.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
This harvest;

1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, trimmed while on the branch and hung to dry.
1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, and ran it through the spinpro.
The other 1/3 is still hanging without sun leaves, only leaves with trichs. I will run them through the spinpro in a couple days after they are more dry.

Its looking like the ones that are yet to be trimmed will retain the most weight and size. I will have to see in a couple days

My buddy cuts all the sun leaves off and hangs them for 5-6 days. When they are almost ready for cure he runs them through his spinpro.
This harvest;

1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, trimmed while on the branch and hung to dry.
1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, and ran it through the spinpro.
The other 1/3 is still hanging without sun leaves, only leaves with trichs. I will run them through the spinpro in a couple days after they are more dry.

Its looking like the ones that are yet to be trimmed will retain the most weight and size. I will have to see in a couple days

My buddy cuts all the sun leaves off and hangs them for 5-6 days. When they are almost ready for cure he runs them through his spinpro.
A. What are sun leaves?
B. What is a spinpro?
C. I am a newbie.


Active Member
sun leaves re another word for fan leaves. They are the main energy producers.
a spinpro is i believe a brand of automatic trimming device


New Member
This harvest;

1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, trimmed while on the branch and hung to dry.
1/3 - I cut a branch down at a time, cut all the fan/sun leaves off, and ran it through the spinpro.
The other 1/3 is still hanging without sun leaves, only leaves with trichs. I will run them through the spinpro in a couple days after they are more dry.

Its looking like the ones that are yet to be trimmed will retain the most weight and size. I will have to see in a couple days

My buddy cuts all the sun leaves off and hangs them for 5-6 days. When they are almost ready for cure he runs them through his spinpro.
How did it work out?

I got a spinpro, which I love for time saving. But I haven't perfected a drying method with it. I was thinking of your 3rd option. How did they go?