
Dam guys, don't you just love ham? I don't know why, but I decided to randomly go to the store medicated and pick out some food. Well I was passing the deli and they had this huge ass pile of ham slices and it looked GOOD.
I'm just putting this out there, that next time you go to the market you are REQUIRED to try the best looking ham you can find, buy a pound, get stoned, and then eat that shit- it's delicious!

Vegans aren't applicable.


Well-Known Member
Ham steak with some pineapples is the only way I eat ham. The deli slices kinda skeve me out
Ham steak with some pineapples is the only way I eat ham. The deli slices kinda skeve me out
well i could see that, but it comes from a local farm so I don't really bother with worrying about it. And hell yeah man, i can't cook for shit but that sounds like heaven on a plate