Halp. Lighting/Timer Issue = me freaking out.


Active Member
So i gave the girl an extra long night before switching my timer. so i could have the lights on at night for cooling issues.

seemed perfect.

well today at 9:3o am lights were supposed to go off. -i've been in bed with sun poisoning from yesterday's boat outing... called in sick to work etc.. not a good start.

about 10 minutes ago we check the room and the lights are still on!!!!! the timer i have may be busted, who knows. not the issue.

what do i do about the girls?? they had like 16 hours of day

what do i do?

give them an extra long night? will it matter? do i plug them back in at 9:30 tonight like i planned?

:( and timer was HOT - no house fire, that's a plus.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Had a similar thing happen. I didn't have any issues because, like you, I found it in a day and they need 12 hours+ darkness they don't give a shit about hours of light jsut how many hours are dark so I think you can jsut do like I did and give them a really long "night" to catch them on to the schedule you want. no male pieces when I did this. I did however completely melt the timer and almost start a house fire......the plastic smell is the only thing that alerted me to the issue. good thing I was home or else!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
if yr just going into flo it could delay the beginning a day, but one off day the plants are waay more forgiving... watch new timer settings and avoid any light leakage from other sources... and it's all good I'd say.


Well-Known Member
watch runnin to much amps-

on the timers. i can teach you how to build a contactor.

no sweat on the lights.


Well-Known Member
just go back to the schedule you want. If you were on 12/12, just setup for your normal cycle. one or two days shouldnt make a big issue really...


Well-Known Member
just a switch-

exactly the same as the one that runs your well pump. when you take the little gray box off it looks like a giant set of points.

they make them commercially. its a green and white box, that can run 4 or 6 lamps, off one timer. the contactor handles the load, not the timer. build one from parts at the supply house for 35 bucks.


Well-Known Member
all you guys-

should check out marty's link. i think he might be on to somethin.

the old guy that taught me could grow a pound a plant out of a milkjug. he built EVERYTHING himself.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to FatMarty again.


Well-Known Member
Wow Murfy - Thanks for the flowers man.
Look who's talking too. Shit - you know wtf you're doing!


Well-Known Member
if we could ever-

get a buncha guy's actin right id bet wed talk about alotta gardening.


Active Member
if we could ever-

get a buncha guy's actin right id bet wed talk about alotta gardening.
Well... then i pose a question..

have you guys ever tried Air Layering??

i'm setting aside my Aerocloner for a couple weeks to try it out. i'll hopefully get pics going as well..

lemme know what you think. (sidenote--> one day i'm determined to try tissue culture)

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
if u use a large side branch, you can have a giant rooted starter the day you cut it off the mother plant.
never tried mmj, but had easy success w ficus.. scrape it all the way around, add rooting hormone + medium, wrap in Saran and foil. keep moist.


Active Member
if u use a large side branch, you can have a giant rooted starter the day you cut it off the mother plant.
never tried mmj, but had easy success w ficus.. scrape it all the way around, add rooting hormone + medium, wrap in Saran and foil. keep moist.
well if i can constantly do this with success, not only can i stay in my numbers but it'll speed up rotation.. love it. gotta do it.

now i was thinking. rock wool soaked in hormone wrapped around with the saran wrap.