

Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this so if it isnt, feel free to move it mods lol. Anyways, what is the best marijuana strain that has the highest chance of making you trip/hallucinate the most. Thanks:peace:
Fucking site sucks ass. actually, just the people
good jump waiting a whopping 12 minutes before telling the users they "suck ass"


Well-Known Member
lol dont even fuck around your all just being like oh i dont get that high ive never saw anything from weed shut the fuck up i know you can see things from weed its not as intence as an acid trip or a mush trip but your vission can get blurry theres something called lego vision some people get its where everthing gets extreamly sharp when i was a kid smoking hash (stolen from friends parents) that was way to preem for us kids to have made me see things everytime i smoked more than 2 bowls also take a mongo rip and look into a bright light and experience being blind! i dont give a fuck what any one has to say about my post its all true i would recomend eating a big dose so it hits u all at once it will be way to strong for you and youl prob go to sleep but id say its your best bet..

also back when i sold weed i got a preem batch of jack herer and people kept comming to me telling me it was laced cuz they saw colors and shit bahahaha it was just preem preem weed will make you trip out but its not even close to what real hallucinagens do. :bongsmilie: :peace:
if they were seeing colors, they were probably right about it being laced.

as far as tripping off weed... maybe if you never smoked before and had some holy grail strain... maybe, still doubtful imo

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
distorted vision shpuld not be compared to hallucinations OK? thats the point we are making, i get distorted vision on most strains but comparing that to any psychedelic hallucinatory drug is like comparing a house cat to a fucking white Bengal tiger.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
distorted vision shpuld not be compared to hallucinations OK? thats the point we are making, i get distorted vision on most strains but comparing that to any psychedelic hallucinatory drug is like comparing a house cat to a fucking white Bengal tiger.
i respectfuly dissagree even on my nice home grown pk ive got more visuals than some 2g mush doses and that being said it wasent just distortion ive never been sent as far out from weed as i have been from other drugs but and at when do u draw the line betwen distortion hallucinating and blindness? and i suppose delerium?


Active Member
The novice OP should not delve into the world of powerful psychedelics with the intent of seeing bugs bunny jump through a portal in the ceiling, as generally any hallucinogen this powerful takes experience to enjoy and control the effects of it. I can forsee the OP who couldnt wait 12 minutes for a reply not waiting the 1-2 hours for a psilocybin experience to reach peak strength and ending up crying for his mummy or making his friends take him to the ER.


Well-Known Member

lol seriously youll get great euphoric 'trippy' strains but nothing is gonna produce effects similar to the serotinergics

butttttt still great euphoric racey highs that couple well with a nights frying if your a vet