Halloween Gash


Well-Known Member
so I went to a couple parties last night, got pretty shitty. Anyways, I wake up this morning in a POOL of blood on my pillow, with a gash on the back of my head about an inch long. Now, it might need stitches but...

where the hell did it come from?? it's been moderately seeping small amounts of blood for 4 or 5 hours. I woke up with a trail of blood going down the side of my face and over my ear. I remember laying down in bed, I wasn't THAT messed up. I think I may have rolled out of bed, busted my shit up, and climbed back into bed. I dont even know. :-(

how was yall's halloweens? anyone else get assaulted by bedroom decor?


Well-Known Member
I stayed in, got high, went to bed, woke up to people yelling, ate a single cracker. Going to kill my roomate when he gets back.


Well-Known Member
I went to a bar round' here called the Queens with a couple chicks and a couple dudes,dressed up like a punk which is pretty unusual...apparently was talking to a couple different chicks,huh,wonder what I said?haha.....woke up $180 short with most of my half o still left,good night.


Well-Known Member
i just chilled with some friends smoked some bud,got some rolls,went to a party got drunk then the cops came so we had to run then i ended my night by smoking a fat blunt and getting some pussy i had a pretty good halloween