Half an inch and stopped growing


Well-Known Member
For one it’s in to large of a pot, that will slow growth especially in early stages of veg. Also when you watered it did the seed float over there towards the edge of the pot. Lastly the soil looks very wet which will also slow growth. She’s prolly stressed and dormant let the soil dry a little and watch watering closely maybe just use a heavy foiler spray for a while till her roots take up more of the pot


Active Member
Actually these seeds were started - or attempted - in small containers that I’ve used previously with great success. This one was dropped into the pot while prepping the soil and is the only one so far that emerged. Ironic eh? I’d tried to find it but gave up, and now here it is. The others didn’t grow.


Well-Known Member
Actually these seeds were started - or attempted - in small containers that I’ve used previously with great success. This one was dropped into the pot while prepping the soil and is the only one so far that emerged. Ironic eh? I’d tried to find it but gave up, and now here it is. The others didn’t grow.
So why were you filling a huge pot with just soil? And how did you manage to drop a single seed over said pot of soil by accident?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Actually these seeds were started - or attempted - in small containers that I’ve used previously with great success. This one was dropped into the pot while prepping the soil and is the only one so far that emerged. Ironic eh? I’d tried to find it but gave up, and now here it is. The others didn’t grow.
That means you transplanted to early and in all likely hood damaged roots in doing so
Thus causing more slow growth

You aren't very good at this
But now at least you are learning

Lose the soil meter and let the pots dry


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5039196

Bought northern lights auto from ilgm before reading about their issues. The one seed that sprouted has stopped growing for several days after poking through.
I had this happen a few years ago and threw it out. Any ideas for how to fix this?
Give it time, I am also growing NL auto. A little different for me because this is my first indoor grow. I made the mistake of starting my seed in my finishing pot, because she had sprouted and I had nothing smaller to put it in. To make a long story short, I put it in a 5 gal pot. Worried about over watering I ended up under watering (don't think that's your problem) It took her awhile to get going not sure if it was root growth or what but after about 9-10 days she exploded and been doing well since. I know this really doesnt answer your question, but one thing I have learned so far is patience :lol:


Active Member
Give it time, I am also growing NL auto. A little different for me because this is my first indoor grow. I made the mistake of starting my seed in my finishing pot, because she had sprouted and I had nothing smaller to put it in. To make a long story short, I put it in a 5 gal pot. Worried about over watering I ended up under watering (don't think that's your problem) It took her awhile to get going not sure if it was root growth or what but after about 9-10 days she exploded and been doing well since. I know this really doesnt answer your question, but one thing I have learned so far is patience :lol:
Yeah thanks, first indoor grow for me also. Had some great success outdoors and thought indoors would be easier. Steep learning curve tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks, first indoor grow for me also. Had some great success outdoors and thought indoors would be easier. Steep learning curve tho.
That's for sure, I ordered some jiffy pots to start my seeds in from now on going to be germinating them this weekend that way I don't have to worry about stressing while transplanting, most of the folks here have been a great help. With that said there have been a few ass hats that think everyone should be a pro or some shit before posting. Good luck and I'm sure it'll work out.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the little guy is throwing down roots. Give it a week to build up a stable base and you'll see her start to take off again.
I was going to say this too. If it's not growing up top, there's a good chance it's putting its energy into the roots...and given the amount of soil there, it's got plenty of space to grow into.


Well-Known Member
Iv had stunted seedlings take off into the biggest plants outdoors. Indoors when I make the mistake of overwatering a baby. It usually takes a week of growth out of it. Seedlings are hella unforgiving when it comes to overwatering. So if it’s still alive. You still have a chance to establish roots. And then she’ll blast off with much greener and luscious growth. From my experience.


Active Member
That's for sure, I ordered some jiffy pots to start my seeds in from now on going to be germinating them this weekend that way I don't have to worry about stressing while transplanting, most of the folks here have been a great help. With that said there have been a few ass hats that think everyone should be a pro or some shit before posting. Good luck and I'm sure it'll work out.
Yeah I just throw the smile type language at the punks to confuse them lol. It’s gotten worse all over the Internet and life in general since the pandemic started.