Hairties on my Cannabis


New Member
Ok so I am brand new to this industry. All of my work is and always will be for personal consumption and not for sale... well, for my wifes consumption.. I don't smoke the Wackotobacco, just Legal tobacco. I'm on day 41 of my first plant (test run) I vegged for 31 days and then flipped toflower as soon as i seen the first alternating node I'm nearing the end of day 10 flower right now and yes I am starting to see alot of those Trichomes is what you call them? Anyway.. my question is this and I know it's a popular question.. My Plant is starting to bush out really well and I am concerned about the lower nodes/bud sites getting light.. I don't have the correct tool or eventhe room to tie it down like I have seen people talk about. I do however have an Idea that I would love some input from as many experienced growers as possible.

Instead of removing leaves to allow light to get to lower portions of the plant (tying leaves back isn't an option either as they are short stemmed leaves) I am using hair ties on the large-mature-dark-green leaves. I put the hair tie around the leaves to bunch them up and open a path for light to reach the lower areas. I plan on doing this half the day everyday until I feel the under parts of those leaves have grown enough. Should I just leave this alone and let it be or is this and interesting point for someone new like me to bring up?

I also knew absolutley nothing about growing pot until about one month prior to germinating this baby. I'm glad it ended up female =)


And I'm sorry if this exact post is somewhere else.. I couldn't find it!

I have also heard alot of talk about aluminum foil creating hotspots.. No need for input there because I have been monitoring the plant a whole lot and no issues yet from the foil

My plant is about 31 inches tall with just over 6 weeks to go in flower.. from what I hear as averages (8 weeks). I have a 12 ft high grow area
just a suggestion i know you don't want to hear it but IF you change your tin foil to emergency blankets you would get alot more reflection and up the amount of light going to the bottom their only 3 dollars for a big one in camping section of walmart, also if you put one on the floor of the grow area to bounce light up :D


Well-Known Member
personally i just take those big fan leaves and physically tuck them down if i think they are in the way. however based on your photo you might not need to be doing anything at all. sometimes it's just better to let the plant do it's thing and not mess with it. what kind of light do you have going on?


Well-Known Member
just a suggestion i know you don't want to hear it but IF you change your tin foil to emergency blankets you would get alot more reflection and up the amount of light going to the bottom their only 3 dollars for a big one in camping section of walmart, also if you put one on the floor of the grow area to bounce light up :D
mizz is right. mylar is cheap. space blankets are cheap. flat white paint is cheap.


New Member
400 Watt Super HPS with a basic wing reflector. and MizzMellow, I know I said input was not "needed" but it doesn't hurt to hear. Appreciate that. Yes I already know that and plan on it when I get paid next thursday.


Well-Known Member
400 Watt Super HPS with a basic wing reflector. and MizzMellow, I know I said input was not "needed" but it doesn't hurt to hear. Appreciate that. Yes I already know that and plan on it when I get paid next thursday.
do you have an oscillating fan in your space? what kind of ventilation do you have? how big is your pot?


New Member
do you have an oscillating fan in your space? what kind of ventilation do you have? how big is your pot?
Not sure what an oscillating fan is but I do have a fan blowing into the closet from outside of it to provide air exchange to the plant and to keep it cooler. The ventillation.. it's basically a two-sided closet. the air comes in my side and exits the other (pretty much) and I have it in a 5gal+ bucket. It's slightly bigger than 5 gallons. And the temp is always between 72-81 (depends on air outside)


New Member
Thought I'd say this.. I didn't have a lighting system until day 29 of my plants life.. I was using a crappy 250W Heat Lamp from walmart and it's distance from the plant wasn't adjustable so I had to stack thing to get it closer.. Plant stretched a little due to that.. My plant would probably be alot further along if I were able to have my 400W MH light that whole time.


Well-Known Member
personally i just take those big fan leaves and physically tuck them down if i think they are in the way. however based on your photo you might not need to be doing anything at all. sometimes it's just better to let the plant do it's thing and not mess with it. what kind of light do you have going on?
While I do enjoy a bit of plant B&D :mrgreen: I have to agree that you may be going a bit overboard :lol: Bud sites will pop out, pretty much even if they receive very little light. When you see em, you can almost always tuck the fan leaves out if the way. Leaving most of the fan leaves "solar collecting" ability intact. Like still facing the light, but under or behind the bud. Since this is your first grow, perhaps as suggested a bit less "messing" may yield better results. Just sayin....... :bigjoint:

Good luck with your grow.

R2T :peace: