Hairs turning orange early??????


Active Member
I am growing B.C. big bud and Kush indoors under 4 1000 watt hps bulbs. There about 5 weeks into flowering and the hairs are already about 50% orange is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Also growing bud mass has seemed to slow down quite a bit. Also the trichromes are still clear.....


Active Member
I dont got pics now but I will post tomarrow, temps are about 20*C at night and 28*C during the day, thats about 60*F(night) and 82*F(Day). Iam feeding them Supernatural Bloom terra, 1/2ing the dose, feeding every 2 days with mollasses. I got an intake and exhaust fan, exhaust runs 24 hrs, intake only during day time. Also got 2 fans inside grow room. But like I said before the B.C. big bud plants are normal. Pics will be posted tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Could be normal, that type of strain could just have like a 6-7 week flowering period. Some take longer than other, it all depends on what type of strain yah have


Well-Known Member
Normal, most of the strains I have grown will have red hairs starting anywhere from 2-5 weeks into flower. Some of the plants have 100% red hairs at 6 weeks in, but trichs don't get milky til week 8 and amber up around week 10.

Red hairs just aren't an indication of plant ripeness, genetics probably has more to do with it than anything. I have pulled some Big Bud before that was almost entirely white hairs, but the trichs were 40% amber, it was obviously done and after a few days dry all the white hairs turned red as normal.

IMO totally normal. FWIW most weight will be packed on the last 2-3 weeks of flowering, have patience.