hair follicle test


Well-Known Member
most shampoos dont work and they are rediculously expensive. i went to a high school that randomly hair tested students and as far as i know no one ever passed from the shampoos.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
I actually went for a job, and they did hair folicle tests.. I did my research, and the shampoos used to work. By somehow coating the hair or something.. but since they, they lowered the tolerence of passing. So It's pretty much impossible these days!


Well-Known Member
I actually went for a job, and they did hair folicle tests.. I did my research, and the shampoos used to work. By somehow coating the hair or something.. but since they, they lowered the tolerence of passing. So It's pretty much impossible these days!
according to my old counselor at my high school they now strip the hair of everything so it takes off the coating the shampoo puts on. not sure how true this is or if he was just trying to scare us but i did have a couple friends who had to change schools because they failed and they used shampoos


Active Member
yeah i had to take a hair follicle test like 8 months ago for a job. i did the shampoo followed the directions and it didnt work. j/w if anyone out there knew of a way to beat this test.