Hail The Leaf's 3rd Grow - Greenhouse Indica H pack and Paradise Whiteberry


Well-Known Member
Gave the girls more nutes today, Biovega, Rhizotonic, Cannazym...the 2nd White Rhino replant is about to crack open, let's hope it pops up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, now I've got myself in the silly position of having little sprouts in with plants that are a week away from being ready to flower...I might need another light before I can afford one...


Well-Known Member
Well, it's been a month, but no one is ready to go into flower yet...not even the Paradise Whiteberry...it's going to be awhile...


Well-Known Member
Ok, the first planting is almost around 8-12" ready to go into flowering, so I've got 2 options, #1 set up the little ones that aren't done yet under a T50, and bring the big ones into flowering, or #2 wait a bit longer and bring the little ones into flowering early. I can't wait much longer because I'm running out of the last crop. Everything is looking a little short compared to the last 2 grows as it is...I'd go the buy a 600w ballast and Adjust-A-wing route if I had the cash, but I don't at the moment...damnit.


Well-Known Member
I need to upgrade alright...but no cash flow at the moment, and running low, not a good combo. No one seems quite ready to go into flowering yet either...these guys are slow growers for some reason...think my lights are too high, but if I lower them, the spread is decreased...hence the major need for an Adjust-A-Wing...arrrghh. Gave the girls some SPT, Foliar Harmony, and Rhizotonic last night.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I was hoping to have new pics up by now, and was hoping to go into flowering yesterday, (for the first round planted at least)...but I'm unable to do much at the moment so everything will have to wait a few days. I had to go and fuck my leg up. Pics and updates when I'm up and around again.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try and move the smaller girls under a T50 tonight, and start cutting hours on the bigger girls...have to force flowering, can't wait anymore! Everything 10" and over is going into flowering...

Measurements today: Blue Cheese - 4.5", BC #2 - 3", Blue Haze - 6.5", California Haze - 4", Cheese - 9", Cheese #2 - 3.5", Chiesel - 10", Chiesel #2 - 8.5", Great White Shark - 8", Lemon Skunk - 10", Trainwreck - 6.5", Whiteberry - 13", WB hermie seed #1 - 10", WB hermie seed #2 - 12", White Rhino - 7.5"



Well-Known Member
Changed the bulb this morning, we're officially in flowering!...nine of them are anyways...gave the flowering girls some Biovega, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, and BioFlores last night.


Well-Known Member
Measurements on the big flowering girls: Cheese - 11.5", Chiesel - 14.5", Chiesel#2 - 12.5", Great White Shark - 12.5", Lemon Skunk - 13", Whiteberry - 17.5", WB hermie #1 - 16", WB hermie #2 - 17", White Rhino - 11.5"


Well-Known Member
those plants are lookin great, my avatar is a bud from the greenhouse cheese, its the most dank shit ive ever grown, i also cant wait to see the CHiesel this thread is lookin kinda lonely, ill start posting on it frequently, but watch u just wait for those rollitup fuckers who come around when ur budz done..... hahaha


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, cheese is really dank shit...I can't wait for the Chiesel, they're already bigger than plants that started a week or 2 before them...things are going to be huuuge...


Well-Known Member
Moved Unknown in off the roof and into the grow tent.

Measurements today - Big girls: Dinafem Blue Haze - 16", Greenhouse Cheese - 17", Big Buddha Chiesel #1 - 24", Chiesel #2 - 22", Greenhouse Great White Shark - 18", Greenhouse Lemon Skunk - 21", Paradise Whiteberry 25.5", Whiteberry hermie #1 - 22", Whiteberry hermie #2 - 25", White Rhino - 17.5", Unknown - 16.5"

Trainwreck will be ready to move into the tent tonight or tomorrow...



Well-Known Member
Trainwreck joined the big girls in the tent this afternoon, it currently stands 14" tall. Been having bug problems in the closet, tried to snuff them out before moving anyone...

I can't believe how huge the Chiesels are, they were planted weeks after some of the other big girls, and yet, they are taller, (note the measurements above). Friggin' crazy...


Well-Known Member
I took 4 clones today, 2 Lemon Skunk, 1 Unknown, (I think I'm going to call this strain "3 Toe") and 1 Chiesel...let's hope they grow roots!


Well-Known Member
Still have bugs in the vegging closet, I've sprayed 3 times, getting really annoyed at this point...need to snuff the little fuckers out!


Well-Known Member
niiiiiiiice man, i love your grow tent you got set up there, and you definitely post a smoke report on the white berry cuz i got some growing now and cant wait