What is JWA and JHS? BTW in flower I root drench with Monterey Spinosad (1-2 oz/gallon) to treat any thrip outbreak (we are endemic for them).I’m growing an auto that is a couple weeks into flower, and was forced to spray with JWA and JHS last night due to a thrip/fungus gnat outbreak in the tent. This morning all the pistils are orange and shriveled. Did I ruin it, or will it be fine?
What is JWA and JHS? BTW in flower I root drench with Monterey Spinosad (1-2 oz/gallon) to treat any thrip outbreak (we are endemic for them).
Please don't mention that to my thrips so far the root drench kills them and spinosad is a translaminar not a systemic. I still don't want it in my leaves (veg or flower) so I root drench.but thrips only live in the canopy so a root drench shouldn't have much effect on them
Please don't mention that to my thrips so far the root drench kills them and spinosad is a translaminar not a systemic. I still don't want it in my leaves (veg or flower) so I root drench.
BTW there's ^ the article on thrips spending part of their life cycle in the soil which is why Spinosad works. But it takes some perseverance as you need to treat any whose pupae did fall to the soil in the next gen. But they all do eventually I've eradicated them many times LOL but outdoors has tons, boo
BTW any idea what JWA and JHS is?
I had little flies a few grows back was able to keep on top of it thk fk
Owl vacuum cleaner pole shake the pot any of them pop up hoover them up
And even hoover up the top inch of the soil
And scrape the top inch of the soil make it like fluffy so they can't lay eggs
Jadam Wetting Agent and Jadam Herbal Solution, they’re homemade natural pesticides. The wetting agent is just homemade liquid soap made with lye and canola oil, and the herbal solution is made by boiling specific herbs in water for hours. I made mine with ginkgo leaves. Definitely wiped out majority of the bugs with the one treatment, but just wondering how bad it is to spray the early buds and have the hairs turn orange and curl like that overnightWhat is JWA and JHS? BTW in flower I root drench with Monterey Spinosad (1-2 oz/gallon) to treat any thrip outbreak (we are endemic for them).
My bad, they mean Jadam wetting agent and Jadam Herbal Solution. Homemade natural pesticides used in Jadam ultra low cost natural farming, invented in Korea. Stuff definitely works, just hoping it didn’t stunt my plant too muchSome of the adults must fall in the soil too when they jump as I hunt them down manually. I've got rid of them a few times by just using a big old magnifying glass to find them and a quick rub kills them. Ok for a few plants if you catch them early enough but rather futile with a lot of plants and a well established population. When I sprayed I'd spray the surface of the soil too and putting some diatomaceous earth around the main stem prevents them from climbing back up. Covering the surface with DE never seemed to work to eradicate gnats as the little buggers get in through the drain holes too. Finding consumer sized portions of Gnatrol isn't easy but I got lucky. It has the same bacteria as those mosquito dunks so just a quarter of one of those mixed with water should treat a few plants.
I have no idea what JWA and JHS are but the OP must think everybody does or would have used the full names.
I try to stay away from nasty chemicals but we've got some thistle patches spreading on our small acreage that I'm going to spot spray with RoundUp this spring as they start showing. Pulling them out is no good as they spring right back up from the roots left in the ground and the glyphosate in RoundUp is very systemic so kills all the roots too.
Ahh I see thanks. I could see lye causing your pistils to turn color.The wetting agent is just homemade liquid soap made with lye and canola oil, and the herbal solution is made by boiling specific herbs in water for hours. I made mine with ginkgo leaves.
Ahh I see thanks. I could see lye causing your pistils to turn color.
My bad, they mean Jadam wetting agent and Jadam Herbal Solution. Homemade natural pesticides used in Jadam ultra low cost natural farming, invented in Korea. Stuff definitely works, just hoping it didn’t stunt my plant too much
Much appreciated, thank you! I know the soap naturally breaks down in a few days, but I’ll spray with water anywayThe soap spray will damage pistils already out but won't really affect the yield or potency at harvest. New flowers should have normal pistils. If sprayed on small buds it can make your pot taste soapy tho depending on how big the buds are when sprayed. I would spray plain water to remove as much of the soap residue the day after tho. If the plants are small enough even flip them upside down and swish around in a pail of clean water to get as much off as possible.
I was forced to use one good spray at 3 weeks and ended up just making oil out of all the buds from 4 plants. Nasty to smoke.