Had to harvest early :(


Well-Known Member
Yep it's been raining hard for like 3 days straight, along with some other issues so I had to pick her early... But I got some pretty nice frosty premature buds...better then nothin!



Well-Known Member
How many plants did u have? how much did u end up with? like u say, better than nothing...but i got to disagree...................its ALOT better than nothing and better than most..:) so how does it smoke? did u cure it? what kind is it? is it good (what kind of high) even though it was preme what (if any)did they tricomes look like? is it sticky?does it smell good? (it makes me just want to take one and eat it up...lol) sorry about the questions but come on...let some brothers know how ur hard earned harvest turned out man.......smoke on..peace


Well-Known Member
I had like 9 or so females...I got 3 still going and one of them just started to bud like 2 weeks ago. I just chopped it but yes I'm going to cure it... It was just some bagseed of some dank chronic. There are LOTS of trichomes :) It wasn't that pre-mature probably about 2-3 weeks early. It was a pretty plant...heres a pic when it was just startin to flower



Well-Known Member
No this is from 1 plant the one pictured above...I have no clue how much I got its still wet