Had MMAR License Was Arrested

I still don't understand how they got you on storage; did the lawyer give you any in-depth explanation?

I'm a grandfathered grower myself; to be safe, i stick to trees so i'm always under my plant count, although seedlings/clones/mothers can get tight. I'll dry sift or use dry ice to turn bud to kif in order to stay under possession limits and i go out of my way to be on good terms with my neighbours (although i know there's not much that can be done if one is a real dick). When i started up i had LEO neighbours as well (think horsemen). My city seems to be one of the best when it comes to acceptance though as annual 420 has usually been celebrated on the Hill, even before legalization.

My biggest worry is having my dogs shot as they're both very loud and terrier-torial. That would be worse than the whole legal scene; one is my retired service dog, the other is hopefully my service dog to be. Airedale Terrier service dogs are very rare, one in a million is what one of my breeders said and she's had best of opposite sex at Westminster. They're always a hit at airports and i allow them to say hello to children travelling with parents. Flip side is the dogs cry if i leave the house without them; the bond and commitment is definitely a two way thing.

I got rid of my last room when my wife let a tub run over for almost half an hour, water ran through walls and lighting fixtures to main floor and basement; wasn't sure if it was going to be an insurance claim or not. My buddy gave me a good deal on the repairs and remediated my basement as well.

Just starting up again now, 3 years later and will do a sealed room with a vent option. 4 Raging Kush over a UC4XL13 in a 10*10 space (remote res); 14 000 BTU dual hose portable a/c; MaxPro/Mountain Air scrubber and a couple of 50L dehueys with a 3 gallon Honeywell humidifier. After a few runs i want to try a fuzzy logic controlled dual tank CO2 system.

I'm sorry to hear what you went through.
The neighbors called the police on me since I was venting air outside from my grow room. I guess they smelled it? No it wasn't on the news. I have no reason to lie lol. Just giving a warning to everyone out the with MMARs. I switched to the ACMPR and contacted the police to let them know I am growing, to save myself another headache in the future. I apologize for using the word seized, the home was condemned not seized. Basically I had to move out of my own home until I remediated it, occupancy was not allowed.

I don't want to reveal my identity so I won't be showing any of that. The police told me they actually contacted Health Canada before they raided me to see if my license was expired.
Smells like

That's horrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I think it's ridiculous police resources are still wasted on going after marijuana growers in both the USA and Canada, or anywhere in the world for that matter.

What is there to lie about? The judge said I had no criminal intent by storing legally grown marijuana in my own home.
What is there to lie about? The judge said I had no criminal intent by storing legally grown marijuana in my own home.

Hey they are asking about the REASON Why? Not that you are lying about the outcome. I can careless but as they are asking, the question ran through my mind after reading your Illaberation of the situation, WHY? WHAT? Caused them to come knocking, to begin with. That part you have evaded or just failed to see what they were asking or having a hard time believing.
Hey they are asking about the REASON Why? Not that you are lying about the outcome. I can careless but as they are asking, the question ran through my mind after reading your Illaberation of the situation, WHY? WHAT? Caused them to come knocking, to begin with. That part you have evaded or just failed to see what they were asking or having a hard time believing.

Like I said on the disclosure it said the neighbors phoned in a tip that there was a marijuana grow-op in my home. The police checked with health Canada (license was expired according to them) and the hydro company to see if there was a higher than normal usage of power, which there was. Why wouldn't I update my license after? I just wanted to warn people with the MMARs and to share my horrible experience so nobody else would have to go through it. But sure I'm lying lol. Maybe I had a bad lawyer? I don't know. I was happy with the outcome regardless.
Not allowed to store it.. so wtf dyou do w it when its done growing.. throw it away?
Make friends and earn favors. 12 plants legal here. 10 ounces dried is possession limit. That's a portion of an outdoor plant. I send fresh cut limbs home with my cleaning help by the lawn and leaf bag. Then hand out 1/8 ths outside the dispensaries when I'm dried. Put a dent in their sales for those of us who can no longer sell overages to them thanks to corporate influence in laws here now. Moral is to grow for fun not profit. Be generous and keep up on the laws. Safety first. Peace and best wishes to all.
Make friends and earn favors. I send fresh cut limbs home with my cleaning help by the lawn and leaf bag. .

Cleaning crew's grow tent is probably bigger than yours by now. LOL They probably have a Seedbank that you're buying from by now as well.

They ride the bus to your house and when they get home they are polishing their Benz.


That's great of you to be so generous. But I'm sure they will be putting their 2 weeks notice in soon.
Like I said on the disclosure it said the neighbors phoned in a tip that there was a marijuana grow-op in my home. The police checked with health Canada (license was expired according to them) and the hydro company to see if there was a higher than normal usage of power, which there was. Why wouldn't I update my license after? I just wanted to warn people with the MMARs and to share my horrible experience so nobody else would have to go through it. But sure I'm lying lol. Maybe I had a bad lawyer? I don't know. I was happy with the outcome regardless.

Your whole story is bullshit.

Is this @oddish lol
So you pick one news article for one particle case. Seems anecdotal. Seeing that makes me wish I should of fought my case until it was dropped but too late now. You can not believe me all you want lol.

Ontario utilities have routinely turned over such information without requiring a warrant.

Quote from the article you posted. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
So you pick one news article for one particle case. Seems anecdotal. Seeing that makes me wish I should of fought my case until it was dropped but too late now. You can not believe me all you want lol.

Ontario utilities have routinely turned over such information without requiring a warrant.

Quote from the article you posted. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
They routinely turned them over in the past.

This was a landmark decision in Ontario.

Anecdotal? How dumb are you.

"Ontario utilities have routinely turned over such information without requiring a warrant. But Horizon went further in this case , Lewin said."

“Going forward, police must obtain a warrant or other judicial authorization in order to search and seize hydro consumption records with respect to suspected residential cannabis grow operations,” Lewin said in a statement.

On top of it, cannabis is legal to grow for almost anyone now.

You are full of shit.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Asking what to do with your frozen meat during a power outage is not a 911 call. Smelling weed coming from your neighbour&#39;s home isn&#39;t either. Cannabis is no longer illegal on October 17, 2018. Consumption is allowed for anyone 19yrs or older. Do not call police for this ^sm <a href="https://t.co/6aYhbStarS">pic.twitter.com/6aYhbStarS</a></p>&mdash; Toronto Police (@TorontoPolice) <a href=" ">October 16, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Asking police to call your friend because you are out of minutes is not a 911 call. Calling about your neighbour&#39;s pot plants isn&#39;t either. Cannabis is no longer illegal on October 17, 2018. Up to four cannabis plants will be allowed per household. Do not call police for this ^sm <a href="https://t.co/1rUvR9yvcT">pic.twitter.com/1rUvR9yvcT</a></p>&mdash; Toronto Police (@TorontoPolice) <a href=" ">October 16, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Before the MMPR came into play, the MMAR was in place to regulate home growing. Unlike the program that came after, the MMAR did allow growing.

Even though the government still allows MMAR growers to keep their licenses, many of these licenses have become invalid for one reason or another.

You might even have an invalid license and not even know it. If this is the case, you’re technically running an illegal grow op.

For whatever reason my license wasn't valid to store marijuana but was valid to grow. I don't know how many times I need to tell you dude. I get it we're two strangers on the internet. But again I have no reason for lying.
Once again, did you read the Allard decision ? Did you read the accounts of the court case ? The government lost the case. The courts grandfathered valid MMAR holders. The idea that you could grow legally but not store the weed is total bullshit. The idea that you went to court,.....,,were found guilty.......and then simply applied for your ACMPR and magically became legal is bullshit too. From the most recent Health Canada applications/renewal forms :

"I have not been convicted, as an adult, of a designated marihuana offence that was committed while authorized to produce marijuana under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, other than under former ACMPR or by virtue of an injunction order issed by a court. "

You can easily answer the questions raised in this thread by giving us some info to back your claim. You will not. Or can not. Cops are not too smart at the best of times. You win the prize.
For whatever reason my license wasn't valid to store marijuana but was valid to grow. I don't know how many times I need to tell you dude. I get it we're two strangers on the internet. But again I have no reason for lying.
The neighbors called the police on me since I was venting air outside from my grow room. I guess they smelled it?
If you really got charged, there would be NO need to guess. It's called an "Information to Obtain", and your lawyer would have given it to you liar.
Cleaning crew's grow tent is probably bigger than yours by now. LOL They probably have a Seedbank that you're buying from by now as well.

They ride the bus to your house and when they get home they are polishing their Benz.


That's great of you to be so generous. But I'm sure they will be putting their 2 weeks notice in soon.
Help are long time friends in their 50's & 60's. Most can't grow houseplants. But honestly medicate And good for shade leaf removal and hanging. I don't use commercial seeds. Just gifts. Corporations are keeping us from full legalization for their profit. 112.jpg

Before the MMPR came into play, the MMAR was in place to regulate home growing. Unlike the program that came after, the MMAR did allow growing.

Even though the government still allows MMAR growers to keep their licenses, many of these licenses have become invalid for one reason or another.

You might even have an invalid license and not even know it. If this is the case, you’re technically running an illegal grow op.

For whatever reason my license wasn't valid to store marijuana but was valid to grow. I don't know how many times I need to tell you dude. I get it we're two strangers on the internet. But again I have no reason for lying.
Did your ATP expire before march 21/14...if so you needed additional paper work for storage ..
If you had to pay a fine. You were convicted.
Or did you get an absolute discharge, conditional discharge, or peace bond?

This is why I only grow 4 plants.