

Well-Known Member
lame ass hackers keep bouncing attacks on my pc off of RIU.org......

just sayin. might be givin this place a break for a bit.


Well-Known Member
i know a better hacker. lots of them actually, ive one of the ones that have been 'online' since darpa.net and questlink. bout a decade before aol.... wargames era. just had to call in a favor.

some little prick in russia has been crying over his melted hd for a month or 3.

RIU didnt have anything to do with it.....


Well-Known Member
and where exactly are these cool "hackers" at?

you have any info on them? They don't know me.. ;)

I'm the one that took down www.skunkmasters.com after hearing about how they kept ripping people off and taking peoples money from them. NOT cool IMO..

Currently working on www.potpimp.com They're going to get the same treatment that skunkmasters.com got. It isn't pleasant.. ;)

anyhow, there are ways to keep unwanted visitors away from your box. I have three boxes.. one has Windows XP on it.. the other one is also an older Windows machine.. but I put Ubuntu on that one.. and then, there's my pride and joy.. my MAC machine!!! I love Mac! She's my baby. ;)

Anyhow, I'm sure any "smart" person that has some kind of experience with exploits and such.. could hit my Windows box. I doubt you would make it very far.. or last very long on my Windows box.. for specific reasons. ;)

And as far as my MAC machine, and my Linux machine goes.. my Linux box is damn near impossible to penetrate.. and the Mac machine.. is impossible to penetrate into.. period.

Anyhow, if you ever happen to get these "hackers" IP's.. let me know. ;) I need something to do sometimes..



Well-Known Member
my Linux box is damn near impossible to penetrate.. and the Mac machine.. is impossible to penetrate into.. period.
Ganj, i hate to burst your bubble.... but it aint impossible. Is it hard? sure! (maybe). is it REALLY hard? i dont doubt it! Mine is pretty hard to get into as well. Is it IMPOSSIBLE? Not a freaking chance buddy. There is always someone out there that can find a way through.

Dont get me wrong iam sure you are quite safe and unlikely to be hit. I just dont think you should confuse improbable with impossible ;)


Well-Known Member
back in the days of AOHell, and hookah (rofl....) i used to run a box with windows on it, as a trap... lure em in so to speak. but those days, for me, have long since past, and i am way out of the loop.
but there was a time when the C of the DC was my homepage ;)