Ha! The dems got the magic 60


New Member
The democrats were blessed yesterday with the concession of Norm Coleman, allowing the comedian turned politician, Al Franken to be seated in his duly elected senate seat. Michael Steel, the head republican was terse and uncongratulatory in his recognition statement, typical sore loser republican attitude. Although Franken represents the coveted 60 vote filibuster-proof democratic majority, some doubts still linger over critical issues such as Health care (Single payer) and the Energy Bill now in the senate. The question is, Will the democrats pull together and slam the door on the republicans? I certainly hope so. Here are the stats on the race that Coleman persued after being defeated by the voters:
$51.1 million has been raised between Coleman and Franken for the entire campaign
– $50.3 million has been spent between the two candidates
– $11 million (at least) has been spent on the recount
– 2,424,946 votes were cast
– 312 votes separate the candidates (Franken leads)
– 239 days since Election Day 2008
– 34 weeks since Election Day 2008
– 7 months, 27 days since Election Day 2008
– 4 seasons seen since Election Day 2008 election.


Well-Known Member
The democrats were blessed yesterday with the concession of Norm Coleman, allowing the comedian turned politician, Al Franken to be seated in his duly elected senate seat. Michael Steel, the head republican was terse and uncongratulatory in his recognition statement, typical sore loser republican attitude. Although Franken represents the coveted 60 vote filibuster-proof democratic majority, some doubts still linger over critical issues such as Health care (Single payer) and the Energy Bill now in the senate. The question is, Will the democrats pull together and slam the door on the republicans? I certainly hope so. Here are the stats on the race that Coleman persued after being defeated by the voters:
$51.1 million has been raised between Coleman and Franken for the entire campaign
– $50.3 million has been spent between the two candidates
– $11 million (at least) has been spent on the recount
– 2,424,946 votes were cast
– 312 votes separate the candidates (Franken leads)
– 239 days since Election Day 2008
– 34 weeks since Election Day 2008
– 7 months, 27 days since Election Day 2008
– 4 seasons seen since Election Day 2008 election.
Franken didn't win, he whined until Coleman threw his hands up in disgust and decided that, unlike Franken, he wasn't a little whiny bitch.


Well-Known Member
Franken didn't win, he whined until Coleman threw his hands up in disgust and decided that, unlike Franken, he wasn't a little whiny bitch.
Umm, Franken had more votes. That makes him the winner. Coleman was the one doing the whining, which is why it's now freaking JULY and he's just now conceding. It was Coleman who challenged the vote, not Franken.


Well-Known Member
We should remember that it is never good for one side to have the majority. For those who swing far left, a democratic majority great, same applies to the devout republicans (both insane on some levels in my book). For those of us in the center it is a shame because it is us whose freedoms are challenged. I voted for Obama mostly because this country desperately needs environmental reform. But I also am a (safe and trained) firearm owner who doesn't feel comfortable with the idea that a party who is openly for "gun bans" having the majority.

Whether or not you support "Gun" control, whether or not you think we need environmental reform, or health care reform, tax reform, etc, it is far better to have an open debate on the floor of congress than to have laws blindly passed through the doors as the republicans did 2001-2006.

Without checks and balances there is no legitimacy. This has been proven through multiple governments across the globe, including our own in the last decade.

Although I HATE this quote, and I 80% support Obama, I do not trust a democratic (or republican) congress so I leave you all with this (admittedly right-leaning) quote.

"I'll keep my firearms, my money, and my freedom... You can keep the "Change"."


Well-Known Member
312 votes, says you're wrong. What parallel universe do you live in?
Strange, I was going to ask you the same thing, especially considering the fact that the initial results were in Coleman's favor.

Then ballots starting magically appearing out of thin air that slowly increased his lead. What was more ironic is that often the votes for Franken were completely out of whack with the votes that other Democrats received in the same areas for different positions.


New Member
All the better for the Republicans in 2010. By the time the mid-term elections roll around, the Democraps will have screwed things up so badly, the Repulicans will walk all over them.


Strange, I was going to ask you the same thing, especially considering the fact that the initial results were in Coleman's favor.

Then ballots starting magically appearing out of thin air that slowly increased his lead. What was more ironic is that often the votes for Franken were completely out of whack with the votes that other Democrats received in the same areas for different positions.
For you ripping on Franklin you haven't lived in MN under Coleman as a Senator or Mayor of St. Paul.

I understand you're upset with the number of Democratic senators, but seriously Norm Coleman? He's your textbook perfect sleezy politician. Look at his role in Iraq, Patriot act, he surrounds himself with a model like staff of women while rumored to have several affairs. We didn't go f'ing crazy for Frankin. Dean Barkley the independent no namer got 15% of the votes. That's saying a lot of people didn't care for either one of them.

I know Franken is not Coleman and that was my only concern. I wanted Barkley to win, but I wanted Coleman to loose even more, so yes I voted for Franken. If you lived here I think you might of done the same!

Were you making a such a fuss when Bush robbed Al Gore of the election?


Well-Known Member
All the better for the Republicans in 2010.
do you really think a new batch of republicans won't find the democrats' march toward totalitarianism a useful tool in their own power grabbing schemes? just as the democrats are building their regime on the bones left behind by their republican predecessors, a change to republican domination would only give a different set of traitors excuses for their failures. it's time we realized that the republican party has the same treasonous aims as the democrats and sought a different solution to swing us away from the socialist mania that seems to be sweeping the nation.

sheep around the globe are flocking to the nanny state banner. they have been duped into believing that government can be trusted to act in their best interests and your precious republican party has jumped on the bandwagon. they only pay lip service to the concepts of individual rights and are only too willing to use our complacency to further their own dreams of mega-government. it's probably too late, but maybe the republicans should be allowed to drown in their own duplicity and another platform developed to protect the constitution. there are plenty of great thinkers out there who oppose this rush toward global political rule, but they are always overshadowed by the two political giants or swept up and had their message diluted by the power structure behind our single party two party system. there are plenty of people out there who are still capable of understanding the importance of the rights of the individual, whose intellects haven't been dulled by the incessant chattering of pseudo-marxist propaganda and the public relations gloss plastered over the cult of fairness and entitlement.

it would be nice to believe that the millions of mindless sheep would just wake up and abandon the totalitarian scheming of the liberal establishment, but we all know that isn't going to happen. there are far too many folks out there that believe we have too many freedoms and need to be protected by mommy and daddy throughout our lives. this is what the democrats are promising, to create a nation of children that are incapable of wiping their own asses at the expense of those still determined to excel, and the republicans are just following the fad. they are promising a prize for everyone, not just the winners. it's the same crap we have been shoveling into our children's minds for decades, that there should be no losers. we all know that it will be a puny little trophy, not worth setting on the mantle, something to be shoved away in the junk drawer and forgotten. but it will be a trophy nonetheless and everyone will walk away feeling special.


New Member
do you really think a new batch of republicans won't find the democrats' march toward totalitarianism a useful tool in their own power grabbing schemes? just as the democrats are building their regime on the bones left behind by their republican predecessors, a change to republican domination would only give a different set of traitors excuses for their failures. it's time we realized that the republican party has the same treasonous aims as the democrats and sought a different solution to swing us away from the socialist mania that seems to be sweeping the nation.

sheep around the globe are flocking to the nanny state banner. they have been duped into believing that government can be trusted to act in their best interests and your precious republican party has jumped on the bandwagon. they only pay lip service to the concepts of individual rights and are only too willing to use our complacency to further their own dreams of mega-government. it's probably too late, but maybe the republicans should be allowed to drown in their own duplicity and another platform developed to protect the constitution. there are plenty of great thinkers out there who oppose this rush toward global political rule, but they are always overshadowed by the two political giants or swept up and had their message diluted by the power structure behind our single party two party system. there are plenty of people out there who are still capable of understanding the importance of the rights of the individual, whose intellects haven't been dulled by the incessant chattering of pseudo-marxist propaganda and the public relations gloss plastered over the cult of fairness and entitlement.

it would be nice to believe that the millions of mindless sheep would just wake up and abandon the totalitarian scheming of the liberal establishment, but we all know that isn't going to happen. there are far too many folks out there that believe we have too many freedoms and need to be protected by mommy and daddy throughout our lives. this is what the democrats are promising, to create a nation of children that are incapable of wiping their own asses at the expense of those still determined to excel, and the republicans are just following the fad. they are promising a prize for everyone, not just the winners. it's the same crap we have been shoveling into our children's minds for decades, that there should be no losers. we all know that it will be a puny little trophy, not worth setting on the mantle, something to be shoved away in the junk drawer and forgotten. but it will be a trophy nonetheless and everyone will walk away feeling special.
PREACH brother...wonderful post


Active Member
I am not talking a bought the destruction of the middle class that the democrat's want this two party system has to go How about giving the Libertarian party a chance I think Ron Paul would make 50 times the president as Barack hussein Obama I hope they don't come and arrest me for saying his middle name


Well-Known Member
I am not talking a bought the destruction of the middle class that the democrat's want this two party system has to go How about giving the Libertarian party a chance I think Ron Paul would make 50 times the president as Barack hussein Obama I hope they don't come and arrest me for saying his middle name
You lost me after the first sentence, wait, that was the first sentence.


Well-Known Member
I agree with whoever said the two party system needs to end. Dem/Repub doesn't matter they're all the same. Reminds me of when I was a little kid and worked at a wrestling arena and found out one day that they're all buddies sharing the same locker room with just different doors and were just following the lead of whatever the owner wanted and that it was all pretend and fake.

Took the fun right out of it. Same deal, it's all a scam.


New Member
do you really think a new batch of republicans won't find the democrats' march toward totalitarianism a useful tool in their own power grabbing schemes? just as the democrats are building their regime on the bones left behind by their republican predecessors, a change to republican domination would only give a different set of traitors excuses for their failures. it's time we realized that the republican party has the same treasonous aims as the democrats and sought a different solution to swing us away from the socialist mania that seems to be sweeping the nation.

sheep around the globe are flocking to the nanny state banner. they have been duped into believing that government can be trusted to act in their best interests and your precious republican party has jumped on the bandwagon. they only pay lip service to the concepts of individual rights and are only too willing to use our complacency to further their own dreams of mega-government. it's probably too late, but maybe the republicans should be allowed to drown in their own duplicity and another platform developed to protect the constitution. there are plenty of great thinkers out there who oppose this rush toward global political rule, but they are always overshadowed by the two political giants or swept up and had their message diluted by the power structure behind our single party two party system. there are plenty of people out there who are still capable of understanding the importance of the rights of the individual, whose intellects haven't been dulled by the incessant chattering of pseudo-marxist propaganda and the public relations gloss plastered over the cult of fairness and entitlement.

it would be nice to believe that the millions of mindless sheep would just wake up and abandon the totalitarian scheming of the liberal establishment, but we all know that isn't going to happen. there are far too many folks out there that believe we have too many freedoms and need to be protected by mommy and daddy throughout our lives. this is what the democrats are promising, to create a nation of children that are incapable of wiping their own asses at the expense of those still determined to excel, and the republicans are just following the fad. they are promising a prize for everyone, not just the winners. it's the same crap we have been shoveling into our children's minds for decades, that there should be no losers. we all know that it will be a puny little trophy, not worth setting on the mantle, something to be shoved away in the junk drawer and forgotten. but it will be a trophy nonetheless and everyone will walk away feeling special.
Absolute phobic crapola.


New Member
do you really think a new batch of republicans won't find the democrats' march toward totalitarianism a useful tool in their own power grabbing schemes? just as the democrats are building their regime on the bones left behind by their republican predecessors, a change to republican domination would only give a different set of traitors excuses for their failures. it's time we realized that the republican party has the same treasonous aims as the democrats and sought a different solution to swing us away from the socialist mania that seems to be sweeping the nation.

sheep around the globe are flocking to the nanny state banner. they have been duped into believing that government can be trusted to act in their best interests and your precious republican party has jumped on the bandwagon. they only pay lip service to the concepts of individual rights and are only too willing to use our complacency to further their own dreams of mega-government. it's probably too late, but maybe the republicans should be allowed to drown in their own duplicity and another platform developed to protect the constitution. there are plenty of great thinkers out there who oppose this rush toward global political rule, but they are always overshadowed by the two political giants or swept up and had their message diluted by the power structure behind our single party two party system. there are plenty of people out there who are still capable of understanding the importance of the rights of the individual, whose intellects haven't been dulled by the incessant chattering of pseudo-marxist propaganda and the public relations gloss plastered over the cult of fairness and entitlement.

it would be nice to believe that the millions of mindless sheep would just wake up and abandon the totalitarian scheming of the liberal establishment, but we all know that isn't going to happen. there are far too many folks out there that believe we have too many freedoms and need to be protected by mommy and daddy throughout our lives. this is what the democrats are promising, to create a nation of children that are incapable of wiping their own asses at the expense of those still determined to excel, and the republicans are just following the fad. they are promising a prize for everyone, not just the winners. it's the same crap we have been shoveling into our children's minds for decades, that there should be no losers. we all know that it will be a puny little trophy, not worth setting on the mantle, something to be shoved away in the junk drawer and forgotten. but it will be a trophy nonetheless and everyone will walk away feeling special.
Yes, this is an excellent post as usual, Undertheice.

I don't see the Republican Party as being "precious" at all, but as a viable (electable) opponent of the Democrat Party. Hopefully, the Republicans are awakening to the fact that they are out of power because they lost their way and fell into the abyss of statism.

I want to see some truly conservative constitutionalists emerge in the Republican Party because with the way things stand with the dumbed-down American Public, I don't see the emergence of a viable third party.

Remember Ross Perot? He was the best hope for a third party in recent history ... and he only got 20% of the vote.

I'm with you though ... I would LOVE to see a Freedom Party emerge. I would LOVE to see the American electorate wake up. I would LOVE to see both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party thrown out on their collective ears. But, that won't happen anytime soon, if ever. So, in the meantime, we have to work with what we have.



Well-Known Member
Yes, this is an excellent post as usual, Undertheice.

I don't see the Republican Party as being "precious" at all, but as a viable (electable) opponent of the Democrat Party. Hopefully, the Republicans are awakening to the fact that they are out of power because they lost their way and fell into the abyss of statism.

I want to see some truly conservative constitutionalists emerge in the Republican Party because with the way things stand with the dumbed-down American Public, I don't see the emergence of a viable third party.

Remember Ross Perot? He was the best hope for a third party in recent history ... and he only got 20% of the vote.

I'm with you though ... I would LOVE to see a Freedom Party emerge. I would LOVE to see the American electorate wake up. I would LOVE to see both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party thrown out on their collective ears. But, that won't happen anytime soon, if ever. So, in the meantime, we have to work with what we have.

Ross Perot had his shit together, and he knew that this spiraling debt is not sustainable. Instead of worrying about sustainable industry, we should be more worried about sustainable government. Where's a decent honest rating agency when you need one. I can not believe that the United States still has an investment grade rating. Any private individual in debt to the level that the United States is would likely be dinged down to subprime.

Of course as a general rule most individuals don't own 300 Million Slaves.


Well-Known Member
I don't see the Republican Party as being "precious" at all, but as a viable (electable) opponent of the Democrat Party. Hopefully, the Republicans are awakening to the fact that they are out of power because they lost their way and fell into the abyss of statism.

I want to see some truly conservative constitutionalists emerge in the Republican Party because with the way things stand with the dumbed-down American Public, I don't see the emergence of a viable third party.
yet much of the conservative element of this country insists on identifying with the republican party, hoping that it has not completely turned its back on them. the truth is that both major parties are merely madison avenue inventions, created to bilk the public of their innate power through lies and illusion. they are both far too involved with special interests to give a flying fuck about whether the laws they shove down are throats are a positive influence on society as a whole or even whether they are within the bounds of the constitution.

at the moment, the republicans are not an electable opponent. they have been successfully demonized as the party of old white racist men by the liberal establishment. in response they have melded the nanny state ideology of the democrats with the prudish notions of the far right and created an abomination that doesn't even deserve a place at the table. they have become the same enemy of the individual that is currently in control of our government and taken away any real choice from the american voter.

if you are expecting a ready made third party to magically appear, don't hold your breath. such an entity is the product of effort and risk, just as any other form of success. the first step is abandoning the failure of the republican party instead of trying to fix it. some things are just broken beyond repair. the present power system is bent on totalitarianism, so we must obviously seek our salvation from another quarter. whether that salvation should be sought through secession, revolt, or by building a new party from the ground up is a matter of opinion.

Absolute phobic crapola.
is there a term for the perfectly rational fear of government run amok? if so, that is my phobia.

by the way, love you too med.:spew:


New Member
Originally Posted by medicineman
Absolute phobic crapola.

is there a term for the perfectly rational fear of government run amok? if so, that is my phobia.

by the way, love you too med.:spew:
It's just that your right wing persuasion come storming through every line you write. Come on now, it aint all that bad, is it? Geeze, lighten up. Wait untill we get single payer, then you can commit suicide. Oh yeah, Love and kisses, XOXOXOX.


Well-Known Member
It's just that your right wing persuasion come storming through every line you write.
it never ceases to amaze me that because i consider the rights and responsibilities of the individual to be of the utmost importance i am labeled right wing or worse, while those who support a regime that leads inevitably to totalitarianism and the destruction of the individual are considered liberals or progressives. seems sort of backward to me, but i'm just an old anarchist with little care for such libels.