H2O2 - 3 days orr?? FOR HYDRO!!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys 1 of my babes has rot at the base of the plant, and i read around i'm suppose2 insert more h2o2 into the res after 3 days.
is this true?

n any other info u can supply me with would be perfect.


Well-Known Member
im no expert , but i do have enough backbone to chat with u . some of the people on this sight are truly pinheads , if u are not in there click or ring of friends u might as well talk to the wall. i 2 use h2o2 when i have slime or rot. i havent got the measurements down yet , im still working on them . i used 10mils per gallon of water, i was told you cant hurt them with h2o2 as long as its diluted. when u are using 35% or better.I just herd about this product (hygrozine) in the uk i think its called (hydrazine) it is inzimes that feed on that slime and rot ,it has the good bacteria that our gardens need.sounds like u r using a DWC system?

so dont feel like its u they dont like or wont reply 2, i herd this websight was created as a grow support tool and it has become this . good luck , im happy to help any time.


Well-Known Member
yea you should use hydrogen peroxide to clean all your systems parts too...... yea fishen is right alot of snobby people on here.but theres alot of good too.....

i herd from my freind too. he was saying in general not just weed. but H202 stips the matter off the roots so you have to make surer you dont put too much in... dont know how true it is.but it makes since..... ever thrown some H202 down your sink drain. it like foams and shit... Pe@ce


Well-Known Member
you can use hydrozyme, i use that, 8-10ml per galm works great, and you don't have to worry about any of the negative side effects of h2o2

hydrozyme is expensive however, but you don't have to use much, i guess its worth the money, i buy it


Well-Known Member
NOOOO don't use h202 in soil, soil is nothing but organic which means good bacteria, h2o2 kills bacteria, don't take my word for it research a bit, and not on boards like these

im not sure if it works for soil, you can check online though, just type hygrozyme into google

sorry i typed it wrong at first its hygrozyme, not hydrozyme