H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's

The NL clones are still ugly, I dimmed the lights a bit, but the damage was done. The good news is I won't have to wait on round two of pistils. They are just thick.
Here's the results of 50% feed, including top-feed. The RM and BW are getting 25%, and since they have flipped, I'll be able to see if that's good before I really feed the new batch.IMG_1309.JPG
Based on the brown pistils, this should harvest about 9/11 - some will go that day regardless so I can get my veg room back. Probably getting one more feed before chop, if the run-off ppm ever drop. If not it'll just keep getting the sweetener, not wasting anything else on them. I know the top-feed is high in cal-mag, so I'm not even adding that.
I think looking closer at the ingredients in this feed schedule, the top feed is the food. period. I could probably run everything else on the liquid side full strength with no ill effects. The most I have seen in the liquid feed is 500ppm.

That means that the hardest part to manage is the one I need to figure out. I have yet to kill a plant by not feeding it enough, so regardless what this 25% feed does on the teenagers, the babies will be another experiment to figure it out. I think whittling it down to about 5-6 total feedings at a lower % is a start but I need to figure out how long it keeps feeding. Maybe a slurry test of the different feeds to see what the ppm is roughly? I was thinking about doing repeated tests on the same soil, drain and soak to see about the ppm dropping, but that would be pretty pointless without a plant eating some.

If anyone has any pointers, hook me up.
I have found the dry amendments to be a little bit hard to dial in in the way you are doing it personally, I feel that there is some variation in the mix that is not precise. I use an average for the period that is low then amend per individual with grow big/tiger bloom if/when necessary. Basically playing off your point that you can’t really kill them or fuck them up too bad with less feed and adding is always easier than dealing with toxicity. It’s also not usual that the dry amendments will be toxic when added this way, they sort of time release. At any rate I use this method with good results and it’s pretty easy and forgiving.
I have found the dry amendments to be a little bit hard to dial in in the way you are doing it personally, I feel that there is some variation in the mix that is not precise. I use an average for the period that is low then amend per individual with grow big/tiger bloom if/when necessary. Basically playing off your point that you can’t really kill them or fuck them up too bad with less feed and adding is always easier than dealing with toxicity. It’s also not usual that the dry amendments will be toxic when added this way, they sort of time release. At any rate I use this method with good results and it’s pretty easy and forgiving.
I agree on the time release thing. That is what I need to figure. The plants aren't using one feed before the next is due - so too much top feed. They recommended 1tbsp/gallon of soil. So 3 tbsp. for a 3 gallon pot. Since it is organic I didn't worry about it.

I think the next tweak to the schedule will be even less stuff early in veg when they aren't eating much.
The black plastic one gallons for reggies is just so I don't waste soil on males. Since I am not going to do heavy LST for the manifolds I think I can get to flip in these and just re-pot females.

I'm recycling soil, but with the gnat issues I have had It's getting baked or something.
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This guy builds a web every evening about 3' diameter, then he takes it down in the morning. Like a fisherman pulling in nets getting all the little gnats and whatnot.
oh, @Laughing Grass , that green dude is still on my front porch and averages a wasp a day.

The number of wasps around here are insane this year. I'd be okay with the spider outside the house... otherwise squish!

@Laughing Grass , @diggs99 , @colocowboy
Yall should check out the forum in the link above. Nice new site, no banners everywhere or imposed delays because moderators don't like you.

Rollitup was the first site that I found when I started researching growing cannabis and everything I've learned has come from here. I've become comfortable with everyone here and can't see myself splitting my time between here and another site. :)
Rollitup was the first site that I found when I started researching growing cannabis and everything I've learned has come from here. I've become comfortable with everyone here and can't see myself splitting my time between here and another site. :)
I'm no salesman. Just pointing out options. You've tried one site. Do what you like :)
The moderators here have allowed for this site to be run by leftist political thugs. If you do not agree with their world views you can be trolled and eventually banned. This has left a bad taste in my mouth for this forum. I joined this site to help people grow their own medicine and contribute to the community. I quickly realized that the number of people RIU claims to reach is severely padded by these political trolls that have nothing to do with cannabis. UncleBuck being a perfect example - "The Top-rated member" with little to no cannabis knowledge. The fact that these people spread hate and the moderators encourage them is why I am leaving.
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The moderators here have allowed for this site to be run by leftist political thugs. If you do not agree with their world views you can be trolled and eventually banned. This has left a bad taste in my mouth for this forum. I joined this site to help people grow their own medicine and contribute to the community. I quickly realized that the number of people RIU claims to reach is severely padded by these political trolls that have nothing to do with cannabis. UncleBuck being a perfect example - "The Top-rated member" with little to no cannabis knowledge. The fact that these people spread hate and the moderators encourage them is why I am leaving.
ILGM forum was the same way. But they weren't in America so I didn't hold their ignorance of freedom of speech against them - I just left. Here there are no excuses...

Who did I just trigger? Come on now - I know MAGA is probably a "target" word in your tyranny algorithms.. Rise up and represent! You liberal heathens...
That would be how we differ, but I’m not a heathen thanks. I actually thought we got along just fine. Good luck with your growing, take care man!