GWhilly's first go at trillis


Well-Known Member
Just going to post the progress, feel free to comment or criticize as I have no idea what I'm doing other then common sense :bigjoint: :weed: also the tables are on wheels amd the lights arent all hung or plugged in yet, bare with me here it's almost complete 15997607555846057871492019431425.jpg1599760813984896465297938255711.jpg15997608308925835898421216371607.jpg15997608384782645612700469217299.jpg
This is nowhere near as bad as I thought! I'm thinking second next and weaving into all the light then cut off all the dark now 2 more nets, 3 total 15997631357191128339166982530390.jpg
Hopefully this is close to the point, gonna let it grow a couple days before I cut anything while I get the rest if the plants in20200910_121427.jpg
waiting on my third flood tray tonight then the 9 sgt peppers can go in amd I cam start focusing more on the seeds20200910_142543.jpg20200910_142553.jpg20200910_142611.jpg
By the time I'm week 3 in flower they should be about 2 foot away anyways

could u lower them and turn the light down? thats all i was saying.. not that the amount of light is wrong.. just that if its a closed system.. looks closed w the ac... wattage is more important than an open system... they say about 1 watt of light will = 3 btus of heat... doesnt work out that way exactly but its the concept... so in a closed system all ur light wattage has to be offset by ur climate system... in an open system u can just push more air thru no big deal... so in a closed system u want to keep ur light wattage as low as possible to ur climate wattage can stay as low as possible... i just mention it cuz the window acs arnt minisplits they eat energy...

if u flower at night do u have any issues w the light coming thru ur ACs... i would have problems w that... it would relfect off the metalic inside and come thru the vents enought to fuck w the plants close to them...
Oh I'm way not worried about that I have 3 10 inch exhaust fans hhoked up to giant filters pulling air from outside ita not a sealed room fresh air somes in and goes out. The ACs are for keeping the climate where I want them as I am running 2 times the needed light for the space plus I deal with -20 through 80 degrees at the peak so In my cold climate my acs hardly even get used except in the summer and to do short regulated bursts, in the winter I gotta keep the back side of the exhaust box heated so theh dont freeze lol but most of that's done with the exhausted air from the 3 10 inchers. So with that being said and the fact it would be a freaking nightmare to raise or lower any lights in there, I think I'll just leave them alone
I have a fan temperature and speed controller hooked up to the exhaust fans so they turn off at 78 degrees and turn back on when it gets above, generally my room sits at 78-82 never had a heat issue yet