Michael Sparks
Active Member
i am a stander almost always, got a handrail in the bathroom for the intoxicated adventures while pissing
At home sitting down, public restroom standing up. That's for number 1 or number 2.
(Real men sit down to pee. We got so much man shit to do, that sometimes that 30 second breather is necessary)
HAHAHA.. that is fucking hysterical! it's so true...I have to twist my dick like a balloon animal and only let the tip stick out to take a shit.
I've pissed in every sink in my house except the kitchen. I just turn the water on at the same time.Anybody used one of their spare bathroom sinks for pissing in like a fancy urinal?
Oh my gosh. I had to deal with all that crap doing a chlamydia test a couple of times. The DRAMA. And he comes strolling out of the toilet block chuckling because I took so long in my struggle... *scowl*when it comes to pissing, it's really the one time i'm sooo glad i'm not a chic in life.. i can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass pissing must be for the women folk.. men have it soo easy when it comes to this.. all we need is an quiet street without too many people walking around, and we can whip it out and take care of business.. i can't imagine how hard it must be for a chic to be, say camping for one ex..
and another one that i don't envy chics for is when it comes to giving ua's.. i have to give one about once a month or so, monitored of course for some bs, and it's nothing for me, although i did have problems with stage fright the first couple of times, but for chics, forget about it.. you have to sit there, and hold this cup down by your pee hole, and i don't even know how it's done to be honest.. i would imagine they have to hold themselve's off of the seat in order to hold the cup up off of the toilet and all.. not an easy gig i would imagine..
and don't even get into talking about drunk chic pissing.. just looks like a nightmare when they have to pull their pants down, and all lean back and at the same time, try not to piss in their panty bridge, no thanks...
i don't envy chics when it comes to pissing, that is for damn sure..
Laundry RoomHAHAHA.. that is fucking hysterical! it's so true...