kenny ken 77
Well-Known Member
Lol.... WTF is a she wee?I finally bought a she-wee; I can do it standing up now!
Lol.... WTF is a she wee?I finally bought a she-wee; I can do it standing up now!
Every have the problem where you push then release and pee only comes out on the release? I fucking hate that, usually happens while under the influence of something or right when you wake up after a night of drinking. I tend to pee standing up, but if I'm too tired, or drunk, or taking a dump I'll sit. I really don't care what anyone would think about how I pee lol. Sometimes when all the urinals are taken in public, I'll go into a stall to pee and sit down to look like I'm taking a speed dump and when you get out everyone's in awe at how fast you can shit lol. PS, peeing outside > inside any day for some reason, and peeing your name into the snow is total bliss lol.whenever I am under the influence of drugs and have sex while I'm under the influence, I always have a hard time taking that after sex piss. especially if I just did some blow before the deed. after I'm done having sex I wanna pee so bad but it's like numb or something, like no sensation. I just can't get the stream to start flowing, no-go. it can be a bitch sometimes cause this usually happens after I do some heavy partying which ends in the wee hours of the morning and all I wanna do it go to sleep but I can't cause it feels like I gotta piss real bad, but it just won't happen.
Buddy of mine installed one in his downstairs man cave.I don't want to understand why a man would piss sitting down by choice.
That being said, I have always wanted a urinal.
Dam, so YOU'RE why I heard 'don't eat the yellow snow'.
If I could come up with a clever name for a cut off funnel and sell them I would too.Gun control "for her".
This is a Vuvuzela. It made a sound no FIFA fan is likely to forget. Maybe we can market a SheWee knock-off as the Vulvuzela. cnIf I could come up with a clever name for a cut off funnel and sell them I would too.
It depend if it's morning or is it after sex when I have a hard on?Am I in my personal Slop Jar or public? Myself being a Blackman I have always had to adjust while sitting. Even discussed an invention with my girlfriend about a cup like feature for the toilet seat expecially for large penis men. I need Patton it! 70% standing 30% sitting.Kind a strange question, but I have been told more and more by other men that they pee sitting down. I stand tall and proud while I go, its hard to do it sitting. How do yalls guys dicks not go into the water or touch the bowl? I have to twist my dick like a balloon animal and only let the tip stick out to take a shit.
I would ask people I know, but im not really wanting dick info from friends. Any ways.. Do you sit or stand, why, and was this a personal decision or forced?
I like your AvatarIf i stand i miss my objective. My aim is awful.