Guys, let's talk about wallets

Those look like good wallets, now I kinda wish I would've found those before I bought the one I did. Oh well, if I end up not liking my leather bifold, I'll get one of those. I like that burnt titanium one
Carried what's called a breast pocket wallet, designed to be carried in the inside pocket of a suit coat, for 45 years. Kinda doesn't work as well now that all I wear are sweats (winter) shorts (summer) but I'm too old to change. Christ, I just had to change to a new barber since the one I had been going to since '83 retired. That's enough first world stress for this year ;)

Samsung pay bitches
Have had a Big Skinny for about 10 years. I like it. got the leather one on Groupon for around 15$.Sometimes If driving 500-1000 miles a week it's nice
I haven't sat on a wallet in years, front pocket magnetic money clips. Plenty of pockets for credit cards, I.D.'s and such.

I couldn't get into the clip. For some reason a wallet just feels right