Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOO urca i swear u haven't meet the right type of long haired man yet, they are truly an endangered species we women must preserve at all cost!!!!
U snip one strand of lovely man hair and i will personaly spank ur ass!!! Bad urca!!! lmfao
haha who says i would mind getting spanked?

Idk, it just all the dudes i see around here with long hair fall into two types.
Type a: gangster, long haired, etc.. <--- those are the dudes my sister goes for
type b: unkempt dweeb, wanna be emo.
maybe if i met the right guy with long hair... idk, ive always liked dudes with shorter hair, and facial hair.
facial hair is awesome... the right amount, not a full on beard, but the way it feels against my skin when he kisses my neck... fuck i love it! its soft yet raspy, and like when it moves over my skin i get chills