guys! help please?!


Well-Known Member
i got another virus. i just started downloading a torrent file and immediately got pop ups from "windows security alert" saying that my computer is infected. every time i try to open task manager it says that it cant open it because its freaking out, i dont have another $100 to fix my computer again...i dont have any anti virus software because i hadnt got around to installing it yet from when my system last crapped out...and i cant install any now because my computer wont open it! i dont know what to do, please help! :confused:
Damn I had one awhile ago.I already had avg antivrus installed though,its free and works pretty good.
I had a old computer and you could restart it from scratch basically if you pressed like F2 on start up.Does yours say anything like that on start up?You could also try starting in safe mode.
Sorry I dont really know about this but I know theres other people on here who do.
no, i dont have back up disks at all. i had to take it to be fixed in safe mode right now, trying to download an anti virus program...i can access task manager in safe mode, so im hoping its not as severe as it seems. i really hope i dont have to reboot the whole system again because that would really really suck :(
i had that same shit happen to me. those alerts are not from windows so dont buy anything it tells you to. download malwarebytes this like will take you directly but when you save it give it different names like sarah22.exe or whatever. actually when any window comes up askin you where to save, etc. give it a diff name. when it gets done downloading keep the box clicked to update and let it do that. if it dont open even after giving the files and folders different names, the only way you'll be able to get it to open is go to a friends computer and download it and save it to a usb storage device or cd and still renaming the files. let me know how this works out.
There are now malicious pop ups that look just like windows security alerts. Once you click remove infected files you're pretty much screwed. I also use AVG with another program called peer guardian which blocks the hundreds of servers trying to add and remove information from your computer every day with out you knowing about it. I also use "HIDE-IP" to re-route my IP address to california from the other side of the world. It helps lessen the paranoia of using bit torrent and posting pics on websites such as RIU.
sarah its like impossible to tell whats wrong not being able to see it.. I download tons of torrents and never get viruses.
even reformatting the harddrive wont help. atleast it didnt on my dads computer. he reformatted and still had that shit. but when i got malwarebytes working on it it cleared it up enough to start working properly. and also put 2 or 3 other programs in it to clean it up even more.
I like avastAntivirus it also does the boottime scan which scans your computer and checks every single file its cool cause it finds viruses before your computer is actually started and they can hide themselves
Just out of curiousity, any chance you were on Piratebay and this happend? Piratebay has these rediculious virus ads that pop up when i go there and they wont let you click out and tell you your computer is infected. But anyways were you able to get anything installed in safe mode? what operating system are you using, win XP, Vista, Seven? If worst comes to worst you can just reformat the harddrive yourself. You will lose everything you have on there and you will have to reinstall windows again, but if the virus is bad enough that is an option. Depending on what Operating system you have its actually not that hard to do it yourself.
I use AVG and Spy Bot. Haven't had a virus in years.

same protection here

i also stopped downloading porn a few years back too so...



but look at what your downloading before you actually do it. make sure the file size is right for what it is your downloading and if the site has comments read those too
thank you for all the replies everyone! i think i have it figured out. i dont think it was a virus but just some sort of adware or spyware trying to get me to purchase something. either way, i did a system restore and it went back to normal, and i have AVG installed now...but it makes my computer soooooo slow...

and i wasnt downloading i was trying to download an episode of americas next top model. i only download porn from a few specific sites that i never have problems with :D and i think from now on if i miss top model i'll watch it on youtube lol
stuff like that can also infect restore points also if im not mistaken. i think when i had that problem i had to disable restore points or something like that. i still recommend getting malwarebytes and spybot s&d. spybot is good at catching things that can change system settings. and whatever you get, make sure you update them once every week or two. and since i found redtube i dont download porn at all anymore
stuff like that can also infect restore points also if im not mistaken. i think when i had that problem i had to disable restore points or something like that. i still recommend getting malwarebytes and spybot s&d. spybot is good at catching things that can change system settings. and whatever you get, make sure you update them once every week or two. and since i found redtube i dont download porn at all anymore
yea, i'll have to get some more protection with those things. my restore points were all there, totally ok. the last virus i had completely killed my ability to do a system restore at all, so thats why i didnt think it was too serious. but hopefully i wont get that problem again! lol.
good luck either way. that virus/trojan whatever you wanna call it can be a bitch. i could still use the computer but some sites wouldnt work and id get alot of pop ups. shit happened on two computers. i think it showed up as one of those microsoft shields in the bottom right hand corner saying something about a firewall. clicked on it and shit just stated downloading. i see the shield still pop up down there from time to time but i dont click on it.
my advice to you is to purchases PC tools spyware doctor, costs 30 bucks for a year or better deals... my computer has been f'ed up for a long time but once i got that program it removed many viruses and other shit from my computer, and does daily scans too to keep it clean....I'm sure there are other good programs too but this is just from my experience because i downloaded it recently.
damn thats crazy , my comupter has been down for a few days now cuz of a virus i got from downloading movies off of piratebay....

i just got finised rebooting everything a few minutes ago and i came straight R.I.U

this is the antivirus program i have its malwarebyte antimalware its pretty good..

iv been downloading a long time and that was my first virus...........