Well-Known Member
I'll pull out the baggies rest in pieces drew5 mins ...ago.....she left{earth}...,<>at least she heard this ditty.}...oh drew......
I'll pull out the baggies rest in pieces drew5 mins ...ago.....she left{earth}...,<>at least she heard this ditty.}...oh drew......
not of this earth. very foreign.Yeah remember tea time or throw out the dos? Fucking hilarious. I love it man. We were Pming for a bit but I got the creaps lol I think he's foreign
LMFAO wat the fuck! this dude is gonna be famous on Rollitup fer sure
Dude are you Indian or Pakistan?wrond video sorry...just toked
somebody translate for me?????????????wrond video sorry...just toked
my name is kltpzyxMDude are you Indian or Pakistan?
jeez man!!!!!!!W.t.F.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i sit at home and stare at my plants by my IKEA lights...drunk...and blazed....but this....thing.....man....creature......is in a FOREST!dudesss
this guy in his pyjamas gangin{bangin} away on his drums and bass with his groupies.IN A FOREST!!
how many of us can say we do just did that last saturday?respaect bro.
this D.U.D.E yes the ogg..god of dudes....is the guru man!
yup.......now i get ....u americans compromised area 51 and let these alien hybrids out!somebody translate for me?????????????