Guys. Being friends with a woman?

Yeah I can be friends with girls....If they ugly and smoke weed. true.

FYI, for all the cute girls out there who think that they've got some guy friends who aren't interested in hooking up and are with them because they really value their friendshup - guaranteed as soon as you two are done hanging out and he goes home, he beats his dick like it owes him money to thoughts of you.

If he doesn't - well then you're just not that cute.

So if there's a poll, my vote to the question of the title is "no".

And OP, there's plenty of other fish in the sea - if you respect yourself at all, you'll stop being a doormat.
I'd like to know how you guys feel about this. Say theres a woman you're very attracted to, but she considers you 'her best guy friend.' Im in this situation right now, and it bugs the hell out of me. Like me personally, I prefer guys as friends. The only time Im okay with being just friends with a girl, is if like my best friend is dating her. I believe that if you let a girl put you in that 'friend' catagory, then its over as far as ever becoming lovers. And theres nothing worse than listening to a girl tell you about the guys that are playing her or whatever problems she is having. Do you guys think its worth it? Or would you just move on and not make the same mistake with the next girl?

i think quite the opposite she will get to know you slowly and if she like's you,it's only a matter of time be patient
FYI, for all the cute girls out there who think that they've got some guy friends who aren't interested in hooking up and are with them because they really value their friendshup - guaranteed as soon as you two are done hanging out and he goes home, he beats his dick like it owes him money to thoughts of you.

If he doesn't - well then you're just not that cute

Well, the same can be said about guys. If I'm friends with a guy and he's hot, of course I try and hook up with him. If he's not hot, I just want to be friends.

And I do have a few guy friends that are platonic. I know this because many of them I've either already dated or already hooked up with. Once we came to some mutual agreement to not fuck anymore, they still continue to be my friends while not trying to hook up with me anymore like they used to. This is extremely rare though.

Of course, I'm not a typical girl. I hate shopping, I don't spend 3 hours doing my hair and make up, I stick to jeans and t-shirts, I only have 2 pairs of shoes, I can drink anyone under the table, I have a mouth like a trucker, I don't spend several hundred dollars a month on manicures/pedicures/facials/etc, I don't cry over every little thing, I'd rather get a new tattoo than a new dress, and (sexually) I think more like guys where I'd rather just get laid than form some "meaningful" relationship... because I know that those are rare and never really work out. :bigjoint:
Well, the same can be said about guys. If I'm friends with a guy and he's hot, of course I try and hook up with him. If he's not hot, I just want to be friends.

And I do have a few guy friends that are platonic. I know this because many of them I've either already dated or already hooked up with. Once we came to some mutual agreement to not fuck anymore, they still continue to be my friends while not trying to hook up with me anymore like they used to. This is extremely rare though.

Of course, I'm not a typical girl. I hate shopping, I don't spend 3 hours doing my hair and make up, I stick to jeans and t-shirts, I only have 2 pairs of shoes, I can drink anyone under the table, I have a mouth like a trucker, I don't spend several hundred dollars a month on manicures/pedicures/facials/etc, I don't cry over every little thing, I'd rather get a new tattoo than a new dress, and (sexually) I think more like guys where I'd rather just get laid than form some "meaningful" relationship... because I know that those are rare and never really work out. :bigjoint:

Lol; sorry my friend, but you're not drinking me under the table.

Perhaps you meant "I can drink any girl under the table"?
Of course, I'm not a typical girl. I hate shopping, I don't spend 3 hours doing my hair and make up, I stick to jeans and t-shirts, I only have 2 pairs of shoes, I can drink anyone under the table, I have a mouth like a trucker, I don't spend several hundred dollars a month on manicures/pedicures/facials/etc, I don't cry over every little thing, I'd rather get a new tattoo than a new dress, and (sexually) I think more like guys where I'd rather just get laid than form some "meaningful" relationship... because I know that those are rare and never really work out. :bigjoint:

I'm likin what you puttin out :blsmoke:
he beats his dick like it owes him money to thoughts of you.

LOL!! wow that was hilarious.

And yeah damn dude. I fucking hate the friend zone. We've all been there before. Im kinda there with my ex. I basically hate her and yet I still really wanna fuck her bad and she on the other hand kinda wants to fuck but "I was her first for many things and that would ruin the good memories of our relationship" or some shit like thatm even though shes a major slut now.

But just ignore her for a bit and see how she reacts. See if she comes back. And be like "Yo bitch, I like you. Lets do shit" She may just want to get around with guys and you want the relationship so she doesn't wanna hurt you. Tell her you just want sex. Get her high and turn her on and go for it. Idk. Good luck though
the friend zone is a permanent place, trust me i know

once your there the only way your moved out is through lots and lots of drinking
Actually, there's a saying I highly agree with...

"If you want to win a woman, you have the treat the queens like whores and the whores like queens"

Basically, if you're after a snobby, rich, spoiled girl, treat her like a slut. If you're after a girl who's been around the block a couple times, treat her like royalty.

This is true about 90% of the girls I know.

I totally agree with this statement. Also If she is cock blocking you then you next time she does it you need to make sure she doesn't succeed and then afterwords confront her about it. If she's just going to be your "friend" then she should be trying to help you get laid otherwise tell her to put up or shut up and if she can't do that then she isn't a friend.
Well, the same can be said about guys. If I'm friends with a guy and he's hot, of course I try and hook up with him. If he's not hot, I just want to be friends.

And I do have a few guy friends that are platonic. I know this because many of them I've either already dated or already hooked up with. Once we came to some mutual agreement to not fuck anymore, they still continue to be my friends while not trying to hook up with me anymore like they used to. This is extremely rare though.

Of course, I'm not a typical girl. I hate shopping, I don't spend 3 hours doing my hair and make up, I stick to jeans and t-shirts, I only have 2 pairs of shoes, I can drink anyone under the table, I have a mouth like a trucker, I don't spend several hundred dollars a month on manicures/pedicures/facials/etc, I don't cry over every little thing, I'd rather get a new tattoo than a new dress, and (sexually) I think more like guys where I'd rather just get laid than form some "meaningful" relationship... because I know that those are rare and never really work out. :bigjoint:
My kinda girl;-)
I've told her countless times. Theres been times when she tells me she has feelings for me, but nothing ever comes of it. She'll say 'just keep being my best friend, okay?'

I imagine you are being used, although not intentionally..

A) Find someone else to bang, and continue being her friend (some of my best friends are females.. neverr fucked em.. I tell them straight up I keep my fuck buddies and friends seperate).

B) Tell her how you feel, if she doesn't go for it then fuck off..
Lol; sorry my friend, but you're not drinking me under the table.

Perhaps you meant "I can drink any girl under the table"?

Well, with liquor, I can't drink it anymore because I drink too much too fast. I'd probably die :lol:

So I stick to beer. I have a problem controlling my limit and how quickly I drink. Usually, within a 2-hour sitting at the bar I will have drank 10-15 beers. On nights where I have longer to drink, I can easily put away a case to a case-and-a-half. And no matter who I've gone out with, I usually always drink more beer at a faster rate than my friends and fam. I think I've only met a handful of people in my life who can keep up with me.

But, yeah, that's why I can't drink liquor anymore, because I drink it equally as fast as beer. And I stay away from wine because I cry any time I drink it :rolleyes:
Well, with liquor, I can't drink it anymore because I drink too much too fast. I'd probably die :lol:

So I stick to beer. I have a problem controlling my limit and how quickly I drink. Usually, within a 2-hour sitting at the bar I will have drank 10-15 beers. On nights where I have longer to drink, I can easily put away a case to a case-and-a-half. And no matter who I've gone out with, I usually always drink more beer at a faster rate than my friends and fam. I think I've only met a handful of people in my life who can keep up with me.

But, yeah, that's why I can't drink liquor anymore, because I drink it equally as fast as beer. And I stay away from wine because I cry any time I drink it :rolleyes:
lol I got that same problem
the friend zone is a permanent place, trust me i know

once your there the only way your moved out is through lots and lots of drinking

This is very, very true. Unless, of course, one of you guys meets some stuck-up girl who actually wants to be friends first. But usually those chicks come with the "no sex before marriage" line.

And yes, getting a girl drunk can change her mood a bit to be more open to the idea of sex. But be careful because rape is a very fine line and a lot of guys either don't realizing they're crossing it, or the girl is too drunk to really voice her real opinion on it. Of course, if she's too drunk, she might not remember saying yes the night before and wake up with only short flashes of memory that only involve the sex. If she wasn't willing before getting drunk then was willing while she was drunk but was too drunk to remember saying yes, then it's very likely you'll be labeled as a rapist.

Of course, you can always make her sign a consent form :lol: