Guy takes 30 hits of LSD

Haddaway I just wonder how you have the time to trip for days. And drop at least like $100 bucks of L like no problem :lol:

you are quite fortunate that you can escape for days on end... shit i remember I left my phone in the house and went to the park on acid.. I came back and saw like 14 missed calls, 3 separate people trying to get ahold of me.. :lol:

12 hours is tough to spare for ME. :lol:

lol, as i was thinking the same exact thing sr verde.. i'm sitting on some paper now and waiting till i get a few spare hours where i can just chill out and do me instead of worrying about this or that or the other thing.. i can't remember the last time i had 3 or so days that i could devote just to tripping, not to mention the money that haddaway must have spent on that one excursion..
i knew a guy that had 25 in a cellophane from a cigarette pack in his sock. on our way to a friends while we were walking it started to rain so we began to run and he stepped in a huge puddle half way up his knee. this guy was tripping balls for over 48hrs. after about 8 he was laying on the floor in what seemed like a sleep but was talking about the most random things that was nowhere near coherent lol. he got up 3 hours later completely delirious and unmanageable so we fed him kpins until he passed out for another 8 hrs. after that he was a good deal calmer and was able to understand what his situation was lol. the last time i saw the guy was about 8yrs ago and he seemed to put it nicely unique but he never was status quo normal, hes still a functional citizen tho. has a family pays taxes yadayada.
It's how I live for now. It will go down. I have "binges" Where all I do is psychedelics for months at a time lol. I usually either have thousands or nothing. It's my life. Either 50 hundreds in my pocket, or not more than 10 lol.
I act fine on all psychedelics usually, but all that DPT I had, I fucking almost walked into a moving car lol. My depth perception was fucked. I just dosed too..

Tripping is about the trip and so is life, its a journey and you have 1 vehicle. It doesn`t have to be laced with chemicals to be a worthwhile experience. So much to do, so much to see and so much to understand. Chemicals can only provide so much of a trip, you have to make the rest yourself. How many fractals do you have to see and how many times do you have to feel "one" with the universe?

I think taking a break for a while for you will be an amazing experience, doesn`t have to be for long either. Tolerance will drop, your mind will soak up some of the world and re adjust, your body will be happy and ultimately you can have a crazy trip for less on that. See what life has to offer, while you can :) You can always return back to your "Fear and loathing" :)

All the best buddy!
lol, as i was thinking the same exact thing sr verde.. i'm sitting on some paper now and waiting till i get a few spare hours where i can just chill out and do me instead of worrying about this or that or the other thing.. i can't remember the last time i had 3 or so days that i could devote just to tripping, not to mention the money that haddaway must have spent on that one excursion..

don't cost much if the water is flowing through your hands, :)
Tripping is about the trip and so is life, its a journey and you have 1 vehicle. It doesn`t have to be laced with chemicals to be a worthwhile experience. So much to do, so much to see and so much to understand. Chemicals can only provide so much of a trip, you have to make the rest yourself. How many fractals do you have to see and how many times do you have to feel "one" with the universe?

I think taking a break for a while for you will be an amazing experience, doesn`t have to be for long either. Tolerance will drop, your mind will soak up some of the world and re adjust, your body will be happy and ultimately you can have a crazy trip for less on that. See what life has to offer, while you can :) You can always return back to your "Fear and loathing" :)

All the best buddy!
I realize this, I think you would understand better if you understood my intentions. My best trip was 3 hits of acid (my first time, I was with my gf, I didn't see too many visuals besides a flag that appeared at the end of the trip in my carpet (this was like awhile ago, I tried 2ce first actually I think) I tried shrooms before, didn't get much of an effect even from huge anounts, 7g was okay. Then I had 100mg of 4-aco-dmt which should be around half an ounce of hydro, that was right after one of my first acid trips (the one i mentioned above with my gf), she tripped nuts. Off of shrooms and the acid. So hard, especially when I was there. I remember that acid experience, so well, no one can convince me otherwise of what happened. It was fucking nuts. Mentally, not visually at all. I need good trip partners I've found or I am not stimulated mentally enough.. I usually trip alone now, because I don't know people who trip all the time. Then 4-aco-dmt, ra week or two after the acid was insane, no visuals again, but so intensely spiritual. I literally had god talk to me in my head, it was fucking insane. I am just trying to replicate those experiences, but I found mixing a shit load of things cause a different experience, and intense isn't always the best, idk, it is, but you have to get it right. I haven't really felt one with the universe much. I don't think you realize my tolerance. It's serious shit, man.
I haven't really felt one with the universe much. I don't think you realize my tolerance. It's serious shit, man.

I have gathered your tolerance is very high. I never tried going so high but I don`t think I would function as well as you :)

But you gotta admit, tripping everyday isn`t going to make your trips any stronger

How did vaped n,n DMT treat you? See much on that?