Second Amendment statement about it being qualified and regulated via the militia clause.
True and False ..
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The second amendment clearly states that a 'well regulated Militia' is 'necessary to the security of a free State.' These are two clauses that provide the purpose of the second amendment.
'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'
'the right of the people' is the 'protection' clause that is what the bill of rights is all about. The bill of rights does not suspend any freedoms it guarantees freedoms to the people.
Notice it's worded 'the right of the people' not 'the right of the state' or 'the right of the militia.' It's THE PEOPLE that are the subject of the sentence. There's your grammar lesson for the day.
The first major Second Amendment court case in the lat 1800's was about a man in New York who carried a concealed weapon, a blade concealed in a walking stick. The Supreme court determined that militia applied to any 'white male between the ages of 15 and 45.' Sorry this was the 1800's.... It also determined that 'arms' was to be defined as 'weapons applicable to a military purpose.'
Later in the 1960's and 1980's the National Firearms Act reversed these decisions, unconstitutionally I might add, by qualifying the second amendment as 'for sporting purposes' (Thanks NRA you rat bastards.)
This year in Heller vs. DC, it was determined that no state can determine if a person has a right to own a weapon, but soft of half assed with really dumb definitions.
So, being a constitutionalist I have to say that I want to own RPG's, Select Fire, and hell even a grenade or two. However the draconian laws that exist firmly believe that 'we the people' are not capable of responsibility.
Could that be because of the 'New Deal' inacted in the 30's that was a total affront to Darwinism? Without going into crazy detail, the New Deal basically created the United States as a welfare country. If you can't provide for yourself don't worry those who do provide for themselves will provide for you via taxes filtered to welfare.
So an irresponsible person, who can't feed their own family, is paid out of our taxes so they can live .... AND BREED more irresponsible people. That's why it's an afront to Darwinism.
Call me cold hearted, but if you chose to drop out of school, refuse to work for a living, don't have the intellectual capabilities to 'think creatively' for profit/survival, then you have no right to survive in my opinion.
The welfare state has continued to grow and grow and grow until it's utterly out of control. With FICA, SS, medicare/medicaid, and income tax I'm losing almost 30% of my paycheck. So if I made the 'median' income in the US my gross would be $40,000 a year, with a take home of roughly $28,000. The poverty level at current cost of living is at $29,000 and below. So anyone in the 'median' bracket is technically in poverty, yet they make too much to qualify for government assistance.
So those who 'can and do' are punished and taxed to provide for those who 'can't or won't.' Then the question is posed here, 'Why are there so many idiots?'
The answer is right in front of you. We argued with Darwinism and won. We have allowed, for 70 years, not only the propogation of lesser genetics but the excessive propagation of lesser genetics. The more brats you squeeze out the more welfare you get. Do you clone your plants that have little to no vigor and take the nutes away from your healthy vigorous mother plants in favor of nursing the weak plants? If you do I bet your yields and highs really suck.
Then we have cries for 'Universal Healthcare' in the US so now we won't even let inferior genetics die of natural causes, now we tax payers are crying for the elongation of the inferior genetics lives which will naturally allow them to breed MORE.
All I have to say is watch the first 10 minutes of 'Idiocracy.' The rest of the show sucks, but the first 10 minutes is VERY accurate. If you do sit through the rest of it, ponder how long it will be before we're watering our weed with Gatorade. "Electrolytes good because corporations tell us so, ugh!"
Dumb gun owner kills himself = Darwinism at work
Smart gun owner defends his family from violent criminal = Darwinism at work
Gun legislation = violent criminals knowing their pool of prey just got much larger = anti-Darwinism as they pick off those who are capable and intelligent and follow the law.
The only legislation I support is legislation that would make Darwinism law. Let the weak perish at their own incompetence.