Gun Slayings


New Member
Americans are funny. You get so defensive when someone hates on your country, yet deep down hate your own country. Take a look at this fourm, it's spashed around everywhere. BTW I know not all americans hate their country, but most of your on here sure do.


Well-Known Member
this country was founded on a certain set of principles .
they are outlined in the founding documents. it doesnt take long to read them.
the government of the USA no longer represents the principles outlined in those founding documents. although all of them take a oath to support and deffend those documents and ideals set forth in those documents. in other words our government is in violation of a contractual agreement made between the federal government the several states and the people.
countless thousands of good men have died in support of those ideals and documents . the symbol that many men have fought under and died under is the US flag. the flag does not represent the government as much as it does the ideals set forth in the constitution . as indicated by the fifty stars that represent 50 different ( states ) under one contractual agreement of honor ( the constitution ) . once the government steps outside of this agreement it is stealing the freedom of americans. its not hard to understand why someone would be pissed off to wake up one day and figure out you are a slave to a fucking bank sold out to them by a fucking politician for a few pieces of silver.


Well-Known Member
we cant stand the europeans.
ill tell you why.
they stink, they dont use soap, they dont know what a tooth brush is and all the while they are trying to tell us americans how sophisticated and cultured they are.
YOU NEED TO LEARN WHAT A BAR OF SOAP, A RAZOR AND A TOOTH BRUSH are and how to use them before lecturing the rest of america on how wonderfull you europeans are.


Active Member
There is, very simply, no single causative factor in the death spiral of any of those countries, from Turkey with its last-of -the-caliphates-mentality, to Guatemala with its born-again military monsters. The kuomintang in China had plenty of arms; simply too corrupt to muster a formidable defense for Maos inversion of classical communist doctrine. Sometimes the winners win just because they are better organized, and with a more ruthless expediency when it comes to sacrificing humans for ideals. Those without the callous psychological prerequisites, I doubt would do all that much better with guns than without.

On the other hand, historically speaking, the unarmed scapegoats should have the opportunity to access weapons to defend themselves, regardless of the outcome in exercising that right. Banishing self-defense gives the greenest of beacons to murderers...


New Member
besides what about my question a few posts ago?
To tell you the truth, there are plenty of other options other then carrying a gun. Mace (pepper spray)? Taser? I know that the top strength mace burns like a motherfucker (I've been sprayed by a bouncer and a cop twice). I mean in all honesty a gun should only be used as protection if your fighting a war, at least how I see it.

If I'm going walking through a bad part of town I have a bunch of keys attached to a foot long cord. In the mix of keys is a metal ball. It kinda acts like a mini mace. If I ever felt threatened to the extent of fight or flight and I couldn't take attacker with fists, I'd whip it out. If you got hit in the head with it I'm pretty sure you would be highly concussed

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
my mom was a pregnant women late turm at the time and the man came in our home(my father was away) maternal instinct or not thats a lost fight. yes a tazer or pepper spray might work but if someone is in a pychotic state of mind or on some substances those dont work all the time. that much i have seen on cops. for a women to be able to stop an angry or crazy man with certainty a firearm is the only reasonable choice. in the end the racking of the slide of the pistol as the man entered the bedroom was enough to make him leave rapidly she otherwise would have shot and killed him. i dont think a non-lethal devices in a pregnant womens hands would would have the same effect on someone bent on destruction of life.


New Member
Of course.... guns don't have to go off to be an effective deterrent. Dutch has only his circular logic to protect him....I guess a haymaker does make some's circular as well.

Guns save lives each and every day.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just curious since you don't live in America...what skin is if off of your hide if we have guns here or not. I'm sure if your country was in trouble your country would call us to bail your ass out. If it were not for the USA protecting against so much evil in this world, it would have been over long ago for everybody. Yes, that is a fact.

Now I will leave you be in the safety of your barred up home.


New Member
Thats funny. The big old US brother. You can't even protect yourself. I hope you can swim in debt, because my country will always be above the water. You can't even catch osama :) Actually my country is one of very few who actually defeted Americans in war.


Well-Known Member
Thats funny. The big old US brother. You can't even protect yourself. I hope you can swim in debt, because my country will always be above the water. You can't even catch osama :) Actually my country is one of very few who actually defeted Americans in war.
What country would that be?