gun nuts. intratek ab10. mixed reviews

anyways. if anyone reads this thread that has fired the ab10 hit me up please. i tryed yahoo answers no one seems to like guns these days
So let me understand this correctly. You post a thread on a marijuana cultivation forum asking about your brand new small penis gun, and you rage over someone saying your image was photoshopped? Do I have that summed up correctly? If so, are you fucking serious? Ease up killa, for your kids sake. God help them if they grow up to be anything like you.
i you tubed it. from 10 feet a guy hit a paper plate 7 out of 10 times. at 45 yards he hit it 0 out of 30

That's terrible, not to mention wayyy too much lead flying to lots of places you're not intending.

For home defense I'd stick to the .357 with 100 gr frangible bullets - I think Winchester makes them & they easily solve the over penetration issue.
The 9mm that will no doubt cycle most reliably in the semi-auto will be "ball" which will penetrate through several sheets of drywall and still carry enough energy to harm/kill someone.
Just my .02.
For all the gun holders and protectors of castles.... Did you already make the decision that you will kill to defend your life?

in states with castle laws, If you do kill an intruder, do you just call the cops after and tell them the story?

is it like
"Uhh yeah, this guy just broke into my house. I killed him though don't worry about it, just letting you guys know."

Who comes to clean up the body?
i bought it cause i have a ak47 and a ruger security 6 357 magnum and i feel like the rounds thst come out of those guns are a little much for home defense. the ab10 shoots 9mm so even if it takes 50 shots i should be able to hit something coming thru mydoor

If you wanted a home defense weapon you could have spent bout half as much on a short barrel pump shotty. With that you just cant miss. Now on the other hand i can see why you would buy one, they are fun to shoot, just dont be carrying it around in your waistband like some dirty gang banger fag.
For all the gun holders and protectors of castles.... Did you already make the decision that you will kill to defend your life?

in states with castle laws, If you do kill an intruder, do you just call the cops after and tell them the story?

is it like
"Uhh yeah, this guy just broke into my house. I killed him though don't worry about it, just letting you guys know."

Who comes to clean up the body?
1) No
2) Yes
3) I'd imagine
4) traditionally Harvey Keitel. Have money ready. cn
For all the gun holders and protectors of castles.... Did you already make the decision that you will kill to defend your life?

I have already made the decision that if someone is in my near proximity, or in the proximity of bystanders, with a weapon, he or she has already made the decision to use it. If he or she brandishes that weapon, I reply in kind. If we are speaking solely of home invasion, you cannot second guess what the intruders intentions may or may not be, you just simply need to end them.