*Gummies~ using Northern Lights Flower

They dont melt totally, but with this 90+ heat wave they go very soft...kind of half way between jello and gummy. So I wondered if maybe I needed to let them "dry" longer/more or something. To where I was thinking maybe they start soft, but after a few hours they will harden up maybe or something.
Yeah you need to dry them, at least for 24 hours after you take them out of the fridge. I can't tell exactly how long cause it depends on the size of your gummies and how much water you put in your recipe. Between 24 and 72 hours max. I've read some people use cornstach in the drying process, but i didn't try it yet.
Its nothing to do with explaining what you have found, done or posted, I'm asking questions due to some limitations I've run into to see if maybe someone has used alternative items/products with success.
They dont melt totally, but with this 90+ heat wave they go very soft...kind of half way between jello and gummy. So I wondered if maybe I needed to let them "dry" longer/more or something. To where I was thinking maybe they start soft, but after a few hours they will harden up maybe or something...I don't know because I have never made them, but this 1 attempt, so I asked here due to others have had success.

Like I said before ordering online is a waste of time here in Canada because we either can't get it shipped to us or we pay a huge price for shipping which makes it not worth it.
As an example I just did a quick search on Amazon.ca there is 1 listing for that "Anthony’s organic guar gum" and its $18.88 + shipping (which is free for first order only and you must sign up for membership). So for a lb of it would end up costing $30 or more for 1 item...see now how ordering these things online is just NOT an economical option when I'd have to order 2-4 of the items online?
Sorry for being such a bother with my questions, geesh...won't come back to this thread...best of luck and happy growing & eating to the rest of you. ;P
A pound af guar gum would make about 10,000 gummies lol. I do have prime so it took 2 days and was $9 for enough to last a lifetime. .5 teaspoon is alI you need for 150 gummies. I used an 1.5 ounces for this recipes so I’ll report back on the strength but the last batch was 1 ounce and 2 bears get me quite high for a few hours. I do find my tolerance level gets higher quite quickly with them. I took 2.5 last night of the original bears and that may have been a half too much lol.
I am getting ready to make some Blue Dream gummies . I will have to review this thread because I don’t make them often enough to remember all the steps.
Grind up 10 g of Blue Dream flower
Into a metal bowl and cover it with tinfoil. Make sure the oven is primed to 250 for an hour before decarbing for 40 minutes.
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Mixed the decarb flower with
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
In a Pyrex glass measuring cup
Cover with tinfoil and placed into a metal bowl water bath
Into the oven 2 hours at 250 degrees
Just finished a batch and it turned into a separated mess which I don’t understand why as I used the same recipe but did add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Pretty much wasted an ounce :(.
The liquid mix ready to add as well.

1/2 cup cold water
1/2 tsp sunflower lecithin
1 tbsp light corn syrup ( this is a change from 2 tablespoons last time)

mixed everything together and using the Lowest heat option I have.
Soon as it was stirred together I started dropping into the mold

I started using the dropper but it
was too slow. The mix was getting so thick so fast I couldn’t keep up with the dropper so just took the pot and poured directly into the molds .

I had quite a bit left over so poured that into the only other mold I had handy, an ice cube tray . Put them into the freezer until they get hard then air them dry for about 24 hours.

I need to order more molds Incase of excess like today.
I will also not be using the dropper anymore . It’s too slow.
Do you keep your pan warm while you fill your dropper?
I keep heating my gelatin on low heat and it doesnt get thick. I have all the time to fill the molds without any issue.
I dont use the same recipe as i dont have access to jello. So i only use unflavoured gelatin. Dont know if that makes any difference tho
Do you keep your pan warm while you fill your dropper?
I keep heating my gelatin on low heat and it doesnt get thick. I have all the time to fill the molds without any issue.
I dont use the same recipe as i dont have access to jello. So i only use unflavoured gelatin. Dont know if that makes any difference tho
You don’t have access to Jello!?
Why not?

My gummies turned out good. They are a tad bit oily. Might consider rolling them in some kind of sugar?
I usually get 250 small bears with one of the batches. I just bought some of the 1" bear molds for my next batch. Did you add any flavor extract? I add 2 tsp of green apple and then strawberry for the other flavor
Hi there! Where did you get the 1 inch bear molds . For the flavor extract it’s 2 tsp of green apple and 2 tsp of strawberry together ? Any particular brand you recommend ?
You don’t have access to Jello!?
Why not?

My gummies turned out good. They are a tad bit oily. Might consider rolling them in some kind of sugar?
Well jello is not really common where i live. I could order some online but i tried without and it turns out that gelatin + flavor extract works just fine.
Yeah you could use some sugar + a bit of citric acid but be sure your gummies are dry enough before coating
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