Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity


Well-Known Member
Why is there no pictures of what it would look like with a copper deficiency? I am wondering because I have a couple plants that seem to have leaves that are twisting. I have 24 plants and only a few of them are twisting. Everything is exactly the same for every plant so Im not sure why only a couple are doing it. I noticed it say that copper deficiency will have twisting.

more likely is pH is causing this. whats going on? got pics? whats your pH? soil/dirt?


Well-Known Member

  • Hello Guys !!!

    I wanted to see from you guys how is this looking now. I don't get how it's so tall but it's been like this now from couple weeks since it started budding !! Tell me what I need to do and how long will it take for these buds to grow so they can be smoke-able !!
    It's the first grow so be eazy !! :P

    Cheers !!
    View attachment 2342127

ummmmmm u need to lower the lights, or raise the amount of light in there, your plant looks like its stretching bad. whats the temperature in there? ph?
otherwise, you got a ways to go, atleast a month.


Well-Known Member
Please help me! why am i getting ROOT ROT with flood and drain system. im using 6x6 rock wool cubes on a 4x4 table. I flood it for about 8 min and take about 10 min to drain. I only feed it once a day, I know its root rot because on the bottom of the rock wool, the root are brown and have some rotten smell.. The rock wool stay kinda heavy also.. is it ok to feed it once every two day? Fan leaves are getting yellow now... I been getting root rot for the past 3 round. please help.

well if the rockwool is staying wet, then the roots are also staying wet. maybe you need to change out your rockwool, or elevate it so the excess water can drain out of it.

Also, if NOT in flower, you can try adding in some rot/fungus/mold killer, at half strength, to the reservoir to help. do not do this in flower.


Hi guys, im on my 2nd grow and 1 week into flower, the strain is sour d, also have a kong next to it but the kong fine. Everything has been going good up until about 2 days ago when spots started to show up on 2 or 3 my leaves, mostly around the tips. Im using roots organic soil with house&garden nute line, under a 400w hps. the spots are a brownish yellow(kind of dry) and there is a dry spot on the underside of the leaf where the spot is on top. It just started so im not sure exactly what it is but i want to try to get rid of it before it gets worse. if anyone could please help!!!!!!!
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Active Member
Hey guys, on my first grow, and just wondering how do you check the PH of your soil. I get how to check the water's ph, but that doesn't mean that's the soils PH. Can anyone tell me how to do it and what I will need please?


Active Member
well if the rockwool is staying wet, then the roots are also staying wet. maybe you need to change out your rockwool, or elevate it so the excess water can drain out of it.

Also, if NOT in flower, you can try adding in some rot/fungus/mold killer, at half strength, to the reservoir to help. do not do this in flower.
What kinda feeding schedule do you recommend? yes its 4 week flower. started around 2nd week..should i chop and start new


i dont know if any1 will get back to me in time but my ak47 hydro fem grow starting to go south heres some pics so to maybe get some help
im using flora duo part a nute and part b have not used b(flowering)nute yet but have used a and i think i may have stupidly overloaded it last week
anyway heres the pics please any advice on what i should do is appreciated im sure ull be able to tell the timeline of young to present being the worst looking plant and just so u know ive changed the water and added a teaspoon of epsom salt and am going to add some nitrogen tommorow mand i also cut back big on nutes i put a third of what i put last week maybe less i think i just over nuted it i mean yea the leaves were starting to turn yellow regardless so that why im here lol hopw some1 can help also my grwoth has stunted big time it really just sprouted up to a nice size compare to what it was before the big sprout persay and then nothing just stopped about 4 days ago and been the same and getting worse since please HELP!!!!!lol


Well-Known Member
What kinda feeding schedule do you recommend? yes its 4 week flower. started around 2nd week..should i chop and start new
Im not sure.

When i did hydro, i did DWC, where the plant was in the rockwool cube, in a strainer type pot full of hydroton balls. That was over the water, with the water circulating 24 hours a day. All was fine until one day i noticed root rot on one plant, that had started leaning and drooping. I noticed the roots had grown almost foot, and were just swimming in the water like pasta. Unlike pasta though, they were brown, smelly, and squishy! I ended up placing a screen under the mesh pots, and above the water line to catch the roots, and keep them suspended above the water. Yes, they were still wet, but the water didnt stay on the roots, the roots always were wet, but always exposed to air at the same time. Since then, i havent had any issues with root rot, (other then bad clones)

Speaking of the bad clones, i did buy a fungus/rot/mold killer. I mix it in at half strength and pour it in the reservoir, or onto the soil, or spray. I dont use it often, and when i do, its usually the last resort. but it works. (i wouldnt use this for anything in flower, its a chemical)

The other option is fighting mold or rot the old fashioned way, making the environment not as well suited. Adding in light (not on the roots, but base of the plant) helps, and adding heat helps (soil and hydro, air temp and water temp), and adding fresh, circulating air is always good. Think about athletes foot, same theory, the doc tells you to take your shoes off, keep your feet dry, and air them bitches out, thats a mold too, same theory...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, on my first grow, and just wondering how do you check the PH of your soil. I get how to check the water's ph, but that doesn't mean that's the soils PH. Can anyone tell me how to do it and what I will need please?
Soil pH.... well, if your not using one of the fancy electronic testers, your pretty much got 2 options, a less accurate non electronic testing method, or just add a strong buffer and hope it works out.

For testing it with litmus paper, or the drops that change color, or whatever, take a cup of 7.0 water, add in about 1/4th cup of soil, mix it read hard, let it sit for a while so all the shit in it precipitates (falls to the bottom). then test the water. This is a slurry test.

Even less accurate is the run off test. get a pot of soil, add water, test the water that comes out.

and if you really have no way of testing it, get dolomitic lime, follow instructions. that should bring the pH back close to 7.0 (most of the times, your raising the pH of the soil)



  • im in my 3rd week of flowering a single outdoor plant. ive had this problem with indoor plants and am not sure if its natural or a nitrogen/ other nutrient deficiency, or a ph problem. about 2-3 weeks into the flowering process the bigger, older leaves at the bottom of the plant are yellowing, almost the entire leaf. i know that when older leaves begin to yellow between the veins that a nitrogen deficiency is probably the reason, if ph is not the problem. anyone know if this is natural in flowering or if there is a deficiency?​



Active Member
hey guys. have an ongoing problem, mainly with the fan leaves and didn't know which way to go about besides flush.
In day 13 of flower and haven't been going crazy on nutes, and my light's 24+in above the plants. Was thinking Ca or Mn def.
View attachment 2385859
Sorry the pick isnt the greatest but you can see the problem all around.....


Active Member
View attachment 2398307View attachment 2398309View attachment 2398310

this is my first grow. i have read through this post and while it has been informative it seems to be speaking of matured plants. im having issues with my very young plants..only a few weeks old. started out and all was good. plants were starting to show 2nd set of leaves but then they all started drooping at the stems, leaves curling and now im seeing yellow spots and im afraid they gonna die. im trying everything, more water, less water, more light, less light...and im clueless. i think the error was on my part in the beginning as i had my lights about 2 feet from my young leaves causing the stems to stretch. i lowered to about 5inches from the now so i have addressed that issue. i was watering 3x a day with a timer 8hrs apart, lights on 24 a day, fan blowing on low. ph is around 5.8-6.1 or so. im doing a hydro/rock wool setup with a drip watering system about half hr at a time. temp is about 68-72. 5x3 grow room with 3 4ft flourescents. any and all help is appreciated. i needed to fig this out before they die...anyone??


Well-Known Member

  • im in my 3rd week of flowering a single outdoor plant. ive had this problem with indoor plants and am not sure if its natural or a nitrogen/ other nutrient deficiency, or a ph problem. about 2-3 weeks into the flowering process the bigger, older leaves at the bottom of the plant are yellowing, almost the entire leaf. i know that when older leaves begin to yellow between the veins that a nitrogen deficiency is probably the reason, if ph is not the problem. anyone know if this is natural in flowering or if there is a deficiency?​

its nitrogen deficiency, which is normal to see during flowering, but no, its not good.


Well-Known Member
hey guys. have an ongoing problem, mainly with the fan leaves and didn't know which way to go about besides flush.
In day 13 of flower and haven't been going crazy on nutes, and my light's 24+in above the plants. Was thinking Ca or Mn def.
View attachment 2385859
Sorry the pick isnt the greatest but you can see the problem all around.....
hm whats the PH? what are you feeding? how long since you flushed last?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2398307View attachment 2398309View attachment 2398310

this is my first grow. i have read through this post and while it has been informative it seems to be speaking of matured plants. im having issues with my very young plants..only a few weeks old. started out and all was good. plants were starting to show 2nd set of leaves but then they all started drooping at the stems, leaves curling and now im seeing yellow spots and im afraid they gonna die. im trying everything, more water, less water, more light, less light...and im clueless. i think the error was on my part in the beginning as i had my lights about 2 feet from my young leaves causing the stems to stretch. i lowered to about 5inches from the now so i have addressed that issue. i was watering 3x a day with a timer 8hrs apart, lights on 24 a day, fan blowing on low. ph is around 5.8-6.1 or so. im doing a hydro/rock wool setup with a drip watering system about half hr at a time. temp is about 68-72. 5x3 grow room with 3 4ft flourescents. any and all help is appreciated. i needed to fig this out before they die...anyone??

ok so what you need to do, is either transplant them, into pots, and put the soil 2inches from the bottom leaves. OR, add in something to hold them up. either way, lower the lights if you can