Guessing Game


Active Member
Hello everyone. Lets see if anyone can guess the week im in. She has been flowering for ____ weeks now. Or if you think your a professional looker see'er try to guess the day. You fill in the blank.

Have fun... BTW i know what week it is. Im just trying to have some fun so please no assholes. Thanks Peace and love



Well-Known Member
i think it's approx week 7, or a bit earlier. how wrong am i? go on, PM me the answer i'm dead curious! promise i won't tell anyone!


It looks like a indica dominant starin but there is definately some sative by the looks of those leaves. They aren't fat like pure indica. But definately built like one. I'd have to say that its the end of week 5 because there isnt much amber at all and it seems like its got another 3 weeks maybe. But it depends on the strain i guess. Let me know in PM if im close, maybe im WAY off