Guess the Strain!!!


Well-Known Member
IMG_20160122_091623.jpg IMG_20160122_091608.jpg IMG_20160122_091544.jpg I screwed up and mixed up my plants.

We have three ladies here.
One is Cherry Vanilla Skunk, one is Dairy Queen, and one is Pineapple Fields... but I don't know which is which.
What do you think?
Photos attached.


Well-Known Member
Fields, skunk, queen

Normally in this situation I would eat a nug from all three plants one at a time, one day at a time and then rub one out into a hankey which I would then let ferment for 6 hours and then add that to a mixture of egg yolk and mandrake root. if it turns purple when I add the hankey I know that it is certainly a marijuana


Well-Known Member
Fields, skunk, queen

Normally in this situation I would eat a nug from all three plants one at a time, one day at a time and then rub one out into a hankey which I would then let ferment for 6 hours and then add that to a mixture of egg yolk and mandrake root. if it turns purple when I add the hankey I know that it is certainly a marijuana

that matches my best guess based on where I thought I had placed the plants.

What makes you think that the second is the CVS and the third the DQ? I'd appreciate your insight - thanks!


Well-Known Member

that matches my best guess based on where I thought I had placed the plants.

What makes you think that the second is the CVS and the third the DQ? I'd appreciate your insight - thanks!
Got some space cream running rice now looks a lot like the third plant and they are from the same seed least I think they are. Nobody can give you a serious answer

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How actually hard is it to label your plants at up-potting? Yeah right, you were baked and "forgot"......

BTW - NOBODY can tell exactly what your plants are at this point......Looking at them, I'd say they are the same and your trying to pull our leg - or - ChingOwn's junk.


Well-Known Member
i hazard a guess you got the names in the correct order. did i win?

i've done space queen and cheese before ad nr2 looks like it has qualites of both.
nr 1 is purple which leads me to believe that could be the cherry leaving nr 3 to be the pineapple. impossible to guess without seeing more and more importantly smell.


Fields, skunk, queen

Normally in this situation I would eat a nug from all three plants one at a time, one day at a time and then rub one out into a hankey which I would then let ferment for 6 hours and then add that to a mixture of egg yolk and mandrake root. if it turns purple when I add the hankey I know that it is certainly a marijuana
My gawd i fell outa bed laughing so hard