Guess how much I can yield after I flip to flower

You'll soon realize your noobish ways. You really don't need all those fancy labels and bottles AN sells you. It's all hype. All you really need is a good 2 part nute system. All I use is maxibloom dry fert. Lucas formula

And asking about how much you will yield is just an opening for people to troll you. THere's at least one person a day askig about yields. It's the most annoying question to be honest.
If you can't handle it don't give them ammo.
What's up with all the negativity today lol
Bunch of negative Nancy's, how am I supposed to know what's good and bad if I don't try things besides doing research and I've heard a lot of good things about advanced and some bad so I said I'll figure it out my self.
And advanced didn't try to sell me a damn thing.
I did my research and went out of my way to get there products. You think I spent a lot on boosters? That's fine to each there own.
Im a noob and I can't wait to use my noob products
I know he likes children, i am a little to old for him, He would be all over your little ass though. And good on you for supporting a company of child molesters
LOL you're such a typical AN hater, Big Mike was never charged with anything it was his former business partner Evgeni Yordanov known as Gino and Big Mike eventually bought him out of Advanced Nutrients!
LOL you're such a typical AN hater, Big Mike was never charged with anything it was his former business partner Evgeni Yordanov known as Gino and Big Mike eventually bought him out of Advanced Nutrients!
That guy is so immature and wack his profile says he's 46 but he acts like a middle schooler who try's to impress people yet has no one in his life so he spends all his time trolling noobs on forums. Probably overweight, bald and more than likely abused by his dad late at night lol
That guy is so immature and wack his profile says he's 46 but he acts like a middle schooler who try's to impress people yet has no one in his life so he spends all his time trolling noobs on forums. Probably overweight, bald and more than likely abused by his dad late at night lol
why you looking at my profile? did I get in your head, Uh oh, someone isn't going to be able to sleep tonight,lol
pervs usually hang with each other, but your $$$ helps support that, LMFAO
Ha, you may be right...But whatever happened to each his own if you want to grow with rabbit shit be my guest if you want to grow with Canna go right ahead it doesn't matter what you use to feed your plant as long as you can get good quality out of it I'm all for it...Peace, Love, overgrow the world!
I think you can achieve the 1/2 oz easily,in my signature which i need to update since I harvested it last week, I got almost 2oz on that bagseed plant I grew..and that was with ALOT of first time grower mistakes so I think you could probably achieve your 1oz goal per plant pretty easy provided nothing drastic happens