Guess biggest Plant/Final Weight

Highest Yielding Plant?

  • Twisted Swisster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hingle McKringleberry

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • CheddaRico

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Hamlet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ralph Sampson

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Khaleesi

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I did the double boil and wrapped the trim in cheese cloth and cooked in butter for 4 hours on a low temp...the butter looks green andsmells like weed but just isn't potent. I would guess I just used too much butter. The next time I am completely drying out the trim and I'm cooking it in a crock pot on low for like 12 hours and then going to just strain all the buds out afterwards.
Do the 300F bake of the trim - BEFORE you make the butter!
It transforms the THC into the potent mind numbing thing your looking for.....
You see, when you "smoke" it, that is happening "AS" you smoke it (decarbing)....
Good luck


Looks to me like ul average about 2 ozs a plant.hang ur plants whole to dry,or as whole as u can,and when they're dry they're dry.don't be tempted to try any methods to quick dry,ur bud will take from 5 days to 3 weeks depending on temps etc where ur drying.
Nice work they're looking good

Ps.totally agree with ur stance on ppl who tell u that's not what it's all about,or even worse when u ask a question and they tell u to check Google,absolute fuckingbellends,what's the point in a forum if u can't ask questions?and I'm quite proud of all I've learned growing my own smoke and am more than happy to help if I can,ppl who r offended by ppl asking basic questions have no place on a forum like this imo
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Active Member
Do the 300F bake of the trim - BEFORE you make the butter!
It transforms the THC into the potent mind numbing thing your looking for.....
You see, when you "smoke" it, that is happening "AS" you smoke it (decarbing)....
Good luck
Ok so I should bake it quickly before putting it in the crock pot with the butter? or can I skip this step if the plants are dry? ...I'll have to Google more about this haha Thanks though because the fudge I made from the butter just makes me feel floaty rather then stoned


Active Member
Looks to me like ul average about 2 ozs a plant.hang ur plants whole to dry,or as whole as u can,and when they're dry they're dry.don't be tempted to try any methods to quick dry,ur bud will take from 5 days to 3 weeks depending on temps etc where ur drying.
Nice work they're looking good

Ps.totally agree with ur stance on ppl who tell u that's not what it's all about,or even worse when u ask a question and they tell u to check Google,absolute fuckingbellends,what's the point in a forum if u can't ask questions?and I'm quite proud of all I've learned growing my own smoke and am more than happy to help if I can,ppl who r offended by ppl asking basic questions have no place on a forum like this imo
Is what I did by cutting branches considered quick drying? The temp in my tent for them drying is 72 degrees and 50% humility and they are in pitch black. If I can get 1 oz per plant I'd be happy. I'm legally allowed 10oz so if I came close to that for my first grow I'd be thrilled haha.


I think you have done well for a first grow and I am sure you will go on to do even better. However - your opening line was " Look I know half of you grow a lot of weed and hate to see posts like this so if that applies to you fuck off and move on to the next post."
For a new grower, presumably new to the forum that was an unecessarily aggressive opening line. Perhaps you were nervous about getting a troll reply.
Most people here are interested in growing weed, sharing information and helping others. I would have said that your opening line invited a prickly or unhelpful response. I well understand how excited you are about your successful grow but chill and relax brother - growers tend not to be a hostile bunch (apart from the odd dick). All the best for your future grows. May your costs be small and your harvests large. :-)
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Active Member
I think you have done well for a first grow and I am sure you will go on to do even better. However - your opening line was " Look I know half of you grow a lot of weed and hate to see posts like this so if that applies to you fuck off and move on to the next post."
For a new grower, presumably new to the forum that was an unecessarily aggressive opening line. Perhaps you were nervous about getting a troll reply.
Most people here are interested in growing weed, sharing information and helping others. I would have said that your opening line invited a prickly or unhelpful response. I well understand how excited you are about your successful grow but chill and relax brother - growers tend not to be a hostile bunch (apart from the odd dick). All the best for your future grows. May your costs be small and your harvests large. :-)
haha Ya you probably are right but I just was trying to say I always see posts like this with 50 troll responses but at the same time I know there are a good amount of people on the forum that enjoy posts like this rather then get the 50 troll responses I was just telling them to fuck off... I didn't see it as overly aggressive but i'm also from Massachusetts so I guess people for the north east are just generally bigger assholes then the rest of the country.


Active Member
I agree you would have more if you didn't give them dumb fuck names. Half P maybe little more. Enjoy your harvest!
Those names are fire and I will always name my plants as long as I have less then like much easier to talk to my roommate about a certain problem with a specific plant that way.


haha Ya you probably are right but I just was trying to say I always see posts like this with 50 troll responses but at the same time I know there are a good amount of people on the forum that enjoy posts like this rather then get the 50 troll responses I was just telling them to fuck off... I didn't see it as overly aggressive but i'm also from Massachusetts so I guess people for the north east are just generally bigger assholes then the rest of the country.
It may surpise you that not everyone on this site is from USA. I realise that different cultures have different attitudes to politeness. What you regard as robust dealing with trolls in Massachusetts, may be regarded as rude in Europe and extremely rude and vulgar in Japan. I am just suggesting a little temperance on an international site. Being told to "fuck off" in case I might not like your post is not a good way of introducing yourself. It's NOT my job to nanny you, but there is a life-lesson here if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.


Active Member
It may surpise you that not everyone on this site is from USA. I realise that different cultures have different attitudes to politeness. What you regard as robust dealing with trolls in Massachusetts, may be regarded as rude in Europe and extremely rude and vulgar in Japan. I am just suggesting a little temperance on an international site. Being told to "fuck off" in case I might not like your post is not a good way of introducing yourself. It's NOT my job to nanny you, but there is a life-lesson here if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
That may be true but if i'm being honest i'm only really concerned about USA viewers... mostly because i'm from America but also I would imagine that if they found out someone was on here from Japan they would probably be in jail for life. Also European people are soft and would probably flop on the ground and look for a yellow card from me telling them to fuck off so they are out too. Irish people get a pass though because they are tough fuckers who are more into Hurling then soccer.


That may be true but if i'm being honest i'm only really concerned about USA viewers... mostly because i'm from America but also I would imagine that if they found out someone was on here from Japan they would probably be in jail for life. Also European people are soft and would probably flop on the ground and look for a yellow card from me telling them to fuck off so they are out too. Irish people get a pass though because they are tough fuckers who are more into Hurling then soccer.
Hmmmm - I am wasting my efforts. Quos Deos vuit perdere prius dementat.


Well-Known Member
That may be true but if i'm being honest i'm only really concerned about USA viewers... mostly because i'm from America but also I would imagine that if they found out someone was on here from Japan they would probably be in jail for life. Also European people are soft and would probably flop on the ground and look for a yellow card from me telling them to fuck off so they are out too. Irish people get a pass though because they are tough fuckers who are more into Hurling then soccer.


Active Member
what was ya final wight ?????????????
Its not completely dry ...hopefully after work today the stems snap...its close though. Some of the smaller buds are smokeable and its really strong! Is this just because its fresh or will it stay strong the whole time its stored


Well-Known Member
I am very good at guessing final dry weight.. I've many times guessed within five g on my own.. In a picture with a fast look i can confidently say you are at about a zip give or take a bit on the top three in the picture and around a zip and a half on the bottom outside two and around two o on the bottom middle which is your best yielder


Active Member
I am very good at guessing final dry weight.. I've many times guessed within five g on my own.. In a picture with a fast look i can confidently say you are at about a zip give or take a bit on the top three in the picture and around a zip and a half on the bottom outside two and around two o on the bottom middle which is your best yielder
Thanks for the guess man ...I'm about to weigh them when I get home in about two hours so i'll let everyone know...They have been hang drying for about a week and the stems seem like they should snap when I get home. I was going to start the curing process after that...Does anyone know how much weight I will lose in the curing process? They seem to have lost about 75% of there mass now and are pretty much dry but I would imagine once I start to jar them and then open the jars to release the inner water i'll be losing more weight...just how much more is average? Again I understand this isn't an exact science but I am just talking on average haha


Well-Known Member
Uh oh... one of the most common first grow mistakes i see is over drying.. You don't want the stems to snap. I cut all the extra stick off and trim down to individual buds when i trim, then dry about two days and as soon as they are prickly on the outside they get jarred and i pay close attention and slowly over a couple weeks get to the point where the jars don't need to be opened.. You can take it farther but the longer you dry the closer you get to that fine line.. Anyway if you didn't over dry that's good but you need to get them cut down to nugs and packed tight into a jar asap.. do not open it for a day so you can hopefully sweat out that last bit of moisture in the stems.. If the grassy smell never leaves and you never get that moisture back throughout the buds you over dried! Good luck man!!.. Oh if done right you lose a couple few grams still in cure 1-5 if say depending on moisture level when you call it "dried"

..edit, also dry times depend on methods i go from wet to perfectly cured and ready in about three weeks whereas some people with huge grows can dry for a week with so many full plants when they cure it they still have enough moisture


Active Member
Uh oh... one of the most common first grow mistakes i see is over drying.. You don't want the stems to snap. I cut all the extra stick off and trim down to individual buds when i trim, then dry about two days and as soon as they are prickly on the outside they get jarred and i pay close attention and slowly over a couple weeks get to the point where the jars don't need to be opened.. You can take it farther but the longer you dry the cost you get to that fine line.. Anyway if you didn't over dry that's good but you need to get them cut down to nugs and packed tight into a jar asap.. do not open it for a day so you can hopefully sweat out that last bit of moisture in the stems.. If the grassy smell never leaves and you never get that moisture back throughout the buds you over dried! Good luck man!!.. Oh if done right you lose a couple few grams still in cure 1-5 if say depending on moisture level when you call it "dried"
Thanks man... Ya they def aren't over dry yet the stem still bends but feels like in a day or two it will snap so I think they are perfect for the jar stage. I was just trying to look out for putting them in too wet and having them smell funky or get moldy.