Guerrilla's Gusto


Well-Known Member
ive realised there has been some demand for guerrilla's gusto documentation, so im starting 10 (now 8 - only 8 germinated) plants to grow i the wilderness :P

there has been rather windy weather over here lately, blowing one of the saplings over at 90 degrees, so i had to bring it inside so that it wouldnt die.

this is my first post, so let me figure out how to upload pics.

edited from here...

ok ive figured it out :P

enjoy and ill keep you guys updated every week or 2 ;)



Well-Known Member
cheers man ^.^

that german site was pro... i could never find any info on GG before, i hope they turn out like the ones in the pics :P


Well-Known Member
A little wind will only make them tougher, I put the GGs outside every night and it got down to 5/6° here and there, but now temps are nice... I'm at 45°N in Northern Italy, decent weather but it's not California, they're in an opening in a wooded area, so I think they'll only get 5/6 hrs of sunlight a day, perhaps less, that plot is an experiment, I wanted to see how the GGs do, don't be afraid to transplant, but if you want to be sure they are nice and hardy wait it out and move when you're confident of them and the weather :)


Well-Known Member
oh i will! :D

ive also half a mind to buy some more seeds..... perhaps ruderalis skunk or super skunk, or maybe some lowryders (grew one already, shes almost done ^.^) , something thats auto or halfauto like ruderalis - so i get a harvest in like august, and then sept/oct. but that all depends if i can scrape up enough money somewhere to buy the seeds lol :P


Well-Known Member
oh yeh im using potting soil at the moment while theyre in small pots, but when i plant em outside, should i throw any fertilisers like fishguts/ eggshells / whatever in there? can i get some advice? i wana make em grow like muthaphukas.


Well-Known Member
You should have conditioned earlier so the nutrients could have started breaking down and becoming more available for your plants, you can enrich now but be careful as you don't want fluctuating values to screw up your growth, plus these GGs are supposed to be hardy, that's what I'm testing, we'll see...


Well-Known Member
so what do i stick in? and how? i never actually planted into the ground before. my first grow was the lowryder #2, and i just stuck the pot and all into the ground - so i used only potting compost. can u give some advice? :O


Well-Known Member
all ten of mine are up out of the soil today, planted yesterday afternoon, germed for 24hrs prior. the seeds looked small too, good looks sensiseeds!

supposedly this strain grows fine with little attention/ferts, what i would do is find some rich fertile dark soil, dig it up and transport it to where you wanna grow. stay away from using anything like dead fish or things that animals will try to dig up and eat. i just use chicken shit and cow shit/compost, if the native soil isnt soo great ill throw some ferts in my water to until shit starts to breakdown. also add some dead vegetation in the hole for more organic matter (if soil is sandyish) it will breakdown and enrich the soil.

do some more research on amennding soil, and basic properties of different soil structures, ive managed to grow 10 footers w/o any additional ferts, just really rich soil near a local water source! good luck!


Well-Known Member
yeah, im home all day doped up on antihistamines cause i got some badass poison ivy, they fuck with your short term memory and speech. its tough to put my thoughts together in normal human manner. what i said does actually work tho...hahaha


Well-Known Member
well the soil there is kinda alright. its no compost, but brown, and has a bit of clay in it (and a lot of rocks lol). i heard people talkin bout eggshells or sumthing, but yeh dead vegetation sounds good. will ordinary grass do? and how deep should i dig the holes to fill em up with compost/watever? (im pretty lazy, so gimme the bare minimum :p)


Well-Known Member
hey if anyone has even one seed they can send me please message me at [email protected] i love in oshawa ontario canada, i have grown a few times and cant get seeds anywhere as i have no credit card PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME AND SEND ME EVEN ONE SEED PLEASE


Well-Known Member
dr. commie, grass will do just fine, i like to find small twigs and stuff that has already started to break down, or take chunks out of rotting logs and break it up. i would stay away from eggshells cause animals will prolly try to dig them up. clay actually has a good amount of nutrients in it, i would dig 1.5-2ft deep and in diameter (minimum), take as much of the rocks and crap out and add organic matter(grass or whatever) then back fill with the clay/soil mixing well. also add some sandy soil from stream beds as it will also have quite abit of nutrients in it and provide better drainage.

some of my spots have the same cement like clay rocky soil and it IS a pain in the ass but once you dig it you can use it over and over for years, after you harvest this fall throw some more organic matter in/on it, cover it with leaves for the winter, and it will just keep getting better every year. next year all you will have to do is bring your clones out plunk'm in and done!

id say thats bare minimum, any less will be a waste of a season, the bigger the hole the bigger the plant and less watering.its best to just do it right the first time!

oh yeah, dont forget to put chicken wire cages around them or something to prevent animals from fuckin with them, and get some neem oil or other insect repellant, i use a garlic/dish detergent spray that i mix up myself.


Well-Known Member
ok, update soon, when all of em are in the ground outside, only transplanted 5 so far, the remaining 3 didnt show the roots as of yet, so i dont wana rist a transplant and break of half their roots. meanwhile, i have a question about fertiliser. i found this fertiliser in my shed, just wana ask if i should use it.

heres a picture

in case any1 has trouble reading the ingredients analysis heres wat it says:

NPK fertiliser 7-7-7
Total Nitrogen (N) 7%
Phosphorous Pentoxide (PtwoOfive) soluable in neutral ammonium citrate and water 7% (3.0%P)
of which soluable in water 6.5% (2.8%P)
Pottasium Oxide [KtwoO] soluable in water 7.0% (5.8%K)

its the crap that u litter on top of the soil around the plants once a month and its not supposed to touch the stem.

so what u guys think? should i use it? or stay natural?

