Rudi I&I Automan
Well-Known Member
This year I shall mostly be smoking sheep & rodents, they must have a sky high thc content with all that WW/ ATF ,SENSI SKUNK TO NAME BUT A FEW 

TRY WATERING THEMDear growers, How will I flush my outdoor plants(4 plants 1-Flowerbomb Kush 3-Bagseed) without enough water? I have 1 gallon container with me all the time, and it is not possible to find water in the jungle. I need your help indeed!!!!
you are an English major? too? deffiendly? its, lil?Just a suggestion, I'm a writer and a national honor roll society member majoring in should have made an outline a table of contents too show your chapters and make it easier too write.
Otherwise great idea! I'll deffiendly sub for this and read it when it's done. I just hate reading lil bits here and there.
this thread is about guerilla growing. im pretty sure u cant use a c02 for a guerilla grow lolHey guys. Just wanted to throw a general question out about CO2 generation.
I just bought a propane CO2 Generator and was wondering if i should buy a envirenmental governer that will keep the CO2 ppm at 1500. Or should i send the extra money to buy a envirenmental governer that i can customize the CO2 ppm from anywhere from 1000ppm to 2500ppm.
I am using a small tent and will plug 1 of the 2 burners.
These are the products i have lined up now.View attachment 3521717View attachment 3521718
the hardest part is driving home with a trunk full of dopeIm thinking about starting guerilla grow this spring on East coast. I plan on using my own seeds but I have no idea where to plot them. Is this typically the hardest part of guerilla growing is finding and securing a viable location? Any tips on searching for good location would be appreciated. Thanks
Finding a secure spot is absolutely crusal. Best bet is to blend it in with some type of tall annual weeds. Here in Mich. Its itch weed. They can get 10' or higher and are a little bit similar in looks. They also hold heat the same as ganja. So if choppers are flying with infrared scopes they won't stick out like a sore thumb. They also grow very tall because it is very fertile soil, itch weed that is. I always pre-dig my holes and fill them with an organic mix like ocean forest. OF has about 3 1/2 months of nitrogen in it, so its not heavy with nitrog. at the beginning to end of bud faze most importantly the end or you'll have some very harsh hitting bud on your hands. Be careful if you use this type of mix with ocean crustaceans in it. IT WILL attract varmints such as raccoons witch will dig up your dirt looking for that fishy smell they smell. Another reason why I pre-dig and fill my holes so that they get there curiosity out of the way before the plant is put in a hole. I also put chicken wire flat around the plant once in. Basically just covering the dirt with wire so they cant dig it up. I of course learned to do this the hard OK as far as water goes I always carry mine in. It's a major pain in the ass but it's RO water with any hydroponic feed nutrients you want premixed in it. I have also grown close to clear spring fed streams because they don't need feed every time you water and none at all for the first few months because its in the dirt. I've had spots that i can only go in at night and I've had spots I can only go to in the daytime. Never put all your eggs in one basket you should always have multiple spots. I've been growing outdoors since I was 12 (long standing family tradition) and I'm 43 now so I've seen it all anything that can go wrong I've seen it and been through it and learned from it. The worst being getting hit with a 20-year felony for manufacturing. I broke the golden rule and cardinal sin of having it on my own property. Very very stupid move don't ever do this. But I got away with it for so many pushed it one year too far. I did get it dropped to a $210 usage charge (first year of medical marijuana here in Michigan and the stipulations and laws were very unclear and grey). Boy did my Attorney get a good chunk of change on that one and almost cost me my marriage. Needless to say my wife was NOT impressed with that one!! Believe it or not I have 9 possession of marijuana charges on my record. Some years I harvest all the spots some years only one or two. I have learned to try to use strains that are done by October 1st because here in Michigan opening day of bow hunting season is October 1st. Not a good time to be wandering around by your plants. Also here in the northern hemisphere (the 45 parallel runs right thru upper Mich.) It is known to frost close to the beginning of October. I could go on and on and on but that's the basics right there. For me anyways. Good luck it's a lot of work and a lot of mosquito bites scratches and tears. But in the end when you can harvest them the benefits you reap are astronomical and you'll need to haul out WAY more then a trunk We can grow it in are backyard now days in Mich. as long as its covered top and sides with a fence of any kind and has a lock on the door. Very nice to be able to baby them all year long. Wow its just awesome. But of course it has to be watched 24/7 and guarded with your life from rippers!!I was planning to dig a small water hole lined with a tarp to catch rain water
I agree with your second part about the hydro gel. But your first not for a minute in my neck of the woods. Camo netting and or irrigation piping would NEVER fly. Maybe in VERY remote areas you can get away with that. But not a chance any where here in Michigan and would have to say NO where that has human's near by or flight surveillance. That would be a real easy way to lose everything you put IDK I didn't read all these post by far. So I take it your not in the United States? Some jungle or something I'm guessing to get away with that. Most definitely not on the east coast of the United States anywhere! If that's who your responding to? If it is that's a very bad idea!camo netting can hide a multitude of sins, err plantsand irrigation (drainage pipe) its a pipe you lay underground and it has small holes in it to allow moisture to soak away into the pipe and out the other end..
try buying some hydro gell water holding granules. they use them in hanging baskets and work real well for gorilla growing
WALES UK (rain, rain and more rain with a touch of rain in between showers.I agree with your second part about the hydro gel. But your first not for a minute in my neck of the woods. Camo netting and or irrigation piping would NEVER fly. Maybe in VERY remote areas you can get away with that. But not a chance any where here in Michigan and would have to say NO where that has human's near by or flight surveillance. That would be a real easy way to lose everything you put IDK I didn't read all these post by far. So I take it your not in the United States? Some jungle or something I'm guessing to get away with that. Most definitely not on the east coast of the United States anywhere! If that's who your responding to? If it is that's a very bad idea!