Guerrilla Grows - Where to Start?


Well-Known Member
Many people discuss Guerrilla Grows, which I feel we all understand the general concept. My question is aimed more towards those that do it season after season. Same locals or different each season? Do you drop them and let them go, or do you still feed, etc? Now I understand the true extent of Guerrilla growing is when you usually will set up a camp in the bush for the whole season, but also heard of many who will find areas of land close to home, work, etc.

Not looking to get started with this still grow, at least not now as I am a first time growing. Just more so looking for any tips or advice in this field, obviously without giving away any information that would be incriminating!


Well-Known Member
Same locals or different each season?
I've used a few of the same locations. Really good ones anyways as long as there's been no foot traffic. One of the key things to do is leave absolutely no garbage or anything else. If you smoke cigs even. Finding random stuff out in the middle of nowhere will leave people out wandering in the middle of nowhere semi curious. Put them out and stuff the butts back into a pack. The only spots I've had that were compromised were places that were developed. Back in my dumb days I had a partner. This was before my RIU days or I even really knew what I was doing. Still at that point I knew the punishment in the unlikely event we were caught. But despite my bitching about his careless behavior he'd leave random crap laying around in patches. Cig butts, empty packs, a water bottle here and there.
set up a camp in the bush for the whole season
Leave that to the guys growing a bajillion plants. I generally toss 20-30 in a patch. Probably going to do more on my next run but start them much later in the season. More plants but smaller. Like 3-4 weeks veg time tops. That way during harvest I can just sneak in. Chop the colas and not worry about inspecting em to see if it's larf or not. It'll free up months to focus on other things as well during summer. If I wanna drive out for a few days and have fun I won't have that little thought of my plants in the back of my head. Hell I've even had dreams of getting ripped.
but also heard of many who will find areas of land close to home, work, etc.
I've thrown patches in the back yard of an abandoned house that was close by. Less that 200 yards away from my doorstep. In fields close to home. In areas surrounding train tracks outside of city limits. You don't have to take a 2 day trek out into no man's land to grow some dope. Just consider places that there's a small likelihood of anyone going anywhere near it. Have several back up plots.
Do you drop them and let them go, or do you still feed, etc?
My last run consisted of lightly prepping holes. Then going out to spots on foot with a small tupperware container containing seeds that were soaked the night before and then put in a wet paper towel for transit. I don't water in ground plants and just let nature take care of that part. (I get decent rainfall in my area, not for dry locations and climates) Topdress holes with osmocote. Replenish when needed. Checked on em every 10 days or so. Tied new main stem growth down. In pots yeah I have to water. But that's only for close to home spots. I doubt I'll ever be doing that one again though.
Not looking to get started with this still grow, at least not now as I am a first time growing.
There's no better way to learn than jumping right on in headfirst. There's not a whole lot to learn. Weed practically grows like a weed.