Alright thanks for the help man Ill go with the dead fish and peels. Mind if I pm ya with questions as I'm growing?
Oh and no dog shit I promise haha.
Oh and no dog shit I promise haha.
Definetely agree w/ the splitting up... I had a bad 2nd or 3rd experience outdoors where my whole crop was eaten by something... still to this day kick myself for not spreading them out in different areas that year instead of the following year..Good point Jack, Dr. and van.
Van I totally agree. If I got heavy into this shinan I would probably do (in my neck of the woods) plots of 3-4 plants scattered and do like 20 plots. But Nah just want a couple for now. Of course if I really got serious I would probably just buy alot of land somewhere...
What's the name off the anti bug/snail stuff you got?
yes i can comfirm this coper rings make it hard for snails because they hate the copper and wont crawl over it... you can buy thoose online also, i got lucky and had someone doing it in a factory for me, i just suplied the copper... also my first post i thinkShit man, please don't use snail pellets, that shit nearly killed my dog, was at the vet for days...
Put copper wire around the base of the plant. Maybe it wasn't copper, might research it. Point is it gets rid of things that want to climb up the stem