Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!


Well-Known Member
I know its an extremely hard to answer question with all of the differing variables but seeing as you are experienced within this field ill givit a go, how much on average should i be expecting on the purple maroc and the frisian dew? Will be directly in ground aswell by the way :D thanks
Haha. That's a tough one... There are so many variables; amount of light, soil, nutes, strain, topping/LST, skill of grower ect ect. In my neck of the woods (northeast) a good outdoor plant is a half pound, but 1 pounders are possible if you really pay attention to what the plant needs. Set yourself a realistic goal and you won't be disappointed :)


Well-Known Member
just get them outside asap. I liked starting seeds under a 96w 2' 4 bulb T5, until yesterday. I got a cool new light meter and put it 2inches under the T5 with only 2 bulbs on (48w), 1950 footcandles. I then took the meter outside, waited for the clouds to part for full sun at 2pm, and damn, 11,500 footcandles! so have a timer that turns the t5 on at sunrise and as soon as the outdoor temps clear 60F, out they go until dark, then back inside til morning while its cool out at night. youll never have to harden them off and you still get the suns power.


Active Member
just get them outside asap. I liked starting seeds under a 96w 2' 4 bulb T5, until yesterday. I got a cool new light meter and put it 2inches under the T5 with only 2 bulbs on (48w), 1950 footcandles. I then took the meter outside, waited for the clouds to part for full sun at 2pm, and damn, 11,500 footcandles! so have a timer that turns the t5 on at sunrise and as soon as the outdoor temps clear 60F, out they go until dark, then back inside til morning while its cool out at night. youll never have to harden them off and you still get the suns power.
Good idea thanks mate


Active Member
Haha. That's a tough one... There are so many variables; amount of light, soil, nutes, strain, topping/LST, skill of grower ect ect. In my neck of the woods (northeast) a good outdoor plant is a half pound, but 1 pounders are possible if you really pay attention to what the plant needs. Set yourself a realistic goal and you won't be disappointed :)
A few final questions for ya, i feel like i should be paying you for being my personal consultant lol
1. What soil would you personally recommend? I am leaning towards a multi purpose type job and then potentially adding organic nutrients to it however i am unsure of this as i dont know the ins and outs of choosing soil and why.
2.would you recommend any of these techniques as iv heard mixed reviews on utilizing these techniques on outdoor plants.

And im working on the basis of 5oz a plant and am hoping this is minimum as i am not doing many, will say it again thanks for all your help mate an i hope at the end of the season weve both smashed it!:D


Well-Known Member
It's no problem at all. I wish I had someone to give me advice when I started... Learning the hard way sucks.

I start off with a good pro-mix for a base soil. It's pretty much just sphagnum peat and perlite. To that I add some organics. Bone meal, blood meal, worm castings/composted chicken or cow manure, some dolomite lime for ph. Get creative with it. The most important thing is that it has good drainage. Cannabis roots need to breathe and they can't do that in soggy soil. I plan on adding some water retaining crystals this year to cut down on watering.

As far as techniques, I keep it simple. I top at the 3rd or 4th node, let the shoots re-grow and repeat. I usually end up with 20-30 tops/side branches. To decrease the risk of mold I may end up tying the branches down. This helps to increase airflow and light to the inner branches.

Your goal of 5 ounces sounds pretty do-able. Just make sure they have the essentials and you'll be set. Can't wait to get this season in full swing :) let me know how you make out.


Active Member
What do you mean by tying the branches down?
How often should i water them?
Is there any need for chemical Nutes or fertilisers?if so when?
And 100 percent mate even if im not using the site i shall return to this thread in order to exchange results! Will be especially interesting as we have opted for two of the same strains :)


Well-Known Member
just get them outside asap. I liked starting seeds under a 96w 2' 4 bulb T5, until yesterday. I got a cool new light meter and put it 2inches under the T5 with only 2 bulbs on (48w), 1950 footcandles. I then took the meter outside, waited for the clouds to part for full sun at 2pm, and damn, 11,500 footcandles! so have a timer that turns the t5 on at sunrise and as soon as the outdoor temps clear 60F, out they go until dark, then back inside til morning while its cool out at night. youll never have to harden them off and you still get the suns power.

I was in the middle of a move and all of my plant's including the breeding male for this season have went into flower, new grow room is nowhere near complete so right in the middle of it is a 12X12 Dark Room.I know I will have to reveg but only a week til harvest on some, I'm loving these Lumen's and so is my newest mutant, I call Her Phallic Haze.If You don't top Her it is just a massive single cola.Indica of Course...So I am rally fucking with this year's outdoor and hopefully I will be able to get them revegged and Cloned for a June Planting.


Active Member
Haha. That's a tough one... There are so many variables; amount of light, soil, nutes, strain, topping/LST, skill of grower ect ect. In my neck of the woods (northeast) a good outdoor plant is a half pound, but 1 pounders are possible if you really pay attention to what the plant needs. Set yourself a realistic goal and you won't be disappointed :)
As well as this im going to follow your advice and opt for a 14/10 cycle only thing i am slightly worries about is if there is not enough direct sunlight in my plot and if there is one thing i do not want it is a stupidly premature flowering stage


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by tying the branches down?
How often should i water them?
Is there any need for chemical Nutes or fertilisers?if so when?
And 100 percent mate even if im not using the site i shall return to this thread in order to exchange results! Will be especially interesting as we have opted for two of the same strains :)
I only really tie down when it's wet and I'm worried about too much moisture being trapped inside the plant. And it will happen if you top your plants alot. They will turn into bushes.

As far as watering, cannabis roots like to breathe. As long as you have a good draining soil you can give it a good watering and it will be fine. I'd say letting the first couple inches of soil dry out before watering is a good rule of thumb. You don't want then to get so dry that they wilt.

I start out organic, but once the plant uses up the nutrients in the soul I find it easier to use chem. It's more powerful and lasts longer so you don't have to check on your spot is much.

You should check out some of the beginners threads, there's a lot of good info on this site.